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CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />INVESTMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARYAND ANALYSIS AS OF SEPTEMBER, 2021 <br />SUMMARY: <br />Primary City Managed Investment Portfolio <br />The City of Pleasanton General investment portfolio decreased by $36,203,517 <br />during the quarter from June 30, 2021 to September 30, 2021; from $233,339,892 to <br />$197,136,375. The decrease in the portfolio during the quarter ending September 30, <br />2021 was primarily to accommodate large disbursements to various vendors: CalPERS <br />for FY 2022 Unfunded Accrued Liability, Livermore for the reconciled Livermore <br />Pleasanton Fire Department net payable, Bay Cities Joint Powers for insurance, and <br />Contractors for various construction and service contracts. <br />For the quarter ending September 30, 2021, the fiscal year to date effective rate of <br />return on the portfolio was 1.32 percent. The average days to maturity (ADM) <br />slightly decreased from 1,327 days on June 30, 2021 to 1,324 days on September <br />30, 2021. <br />As described in this report, the City's investment in the LAIF decreased to $10 million <br />from $26 million mainly due to and withdrawal to cover cash outflow and continued <br />investment in individual securities. As of October 19, the PMIA/LAIF quarterly <br />performance report has not become available. Reported interest rate was 0.2 <br />percent with ADM of 291 days for quarter ended 06/30/2021. Monthly effective yield <br />was 0.221 percent in July and August, and 0.206 percent in September. <br />During the quarter, approximately $26 million in securities matured or were called,which <br />the City either used to fund operating costs or reinvest into Agencies at the market <br />rate. The yields on the newly added investments ranged from 0.920 percent to <br />1.020 percent. As of September 30, 2021, approximately 69 percent of the total <br />portfolio consisted of federal agency securities, while the LAIF investment was 5 <br />percent of the portfolio. Corporate notes accounted for 25 percent of the portfolio. <br />• Fair Market Value of total portfolio - $197,650,675 <br />• Fiscal year-to-date effective rate of return - 1.32 percent <br />• Weighted average days to maturity - 1,324 days <br />• Fiscal year-to-date net interest earnings - $689,854 <br />