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• Appendix C - Housing Constraints Analysis: Analyzes and recommends <br />remedies for existing and potential governmental and nongovernmental barriers to <br />housing development. <br />• Appendix D - Existing Programs Evaluation and Review: Reviews the prior <br />Housing Element to measure progress in implementing policies and programs. <br />• Appendix E - Public Participation Summaries: Summarizes all community outreach <br />and engagement programs, with a particular focus on outreach to traditionally <br />underrepresented groups. (Forthcoming, but will include information to be reviewed <br />at this meeting, including outcomes of the recently -reported community -wide <br />survey, stakeholder and other initial meetings.) <br />• Appendix F - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH): Analyzes the <br />relationship of available sites to areas of high opportunity and includes actions to <br />affirmatively advance fair housing. (Forthcoming) <br />• Appendix G - Housing Resources: Identifies local resources available to support <br />the continued development, preservation, and rehabilitation of housing in <br />Pleasanton. <br />As noted, the sections of the Preliminary Report included for this meeting contain a high- <br />level summary of the key findings from the initial analysis conducted as a part of the City's <br />Housing Element Update process. This early review will both provide valuable <br />background and supporting information as the City engages with more substantive policy <br />discussions with respect to Housing Element policies and programs and streamline future <br />review of the Housing Element prior to its adoption. <br />The final, comprehensive draft of the Preliminary Report, inclusive of changes or <br />clarifications requested by the community, City Commissions, and City Council, as well as <br />all of the above -listed appendices and other required content, will be brought back to the <br />City Council next summer as part of the Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element in late 2022. <br />Appendix A - Housing Needs Assessment <br />The Housing Needs Assessment (Appendix A to the Preliminary Report) establishes the <br />foundation for understanding Pleasanton's housing needs. It analyzes a range of <br />demographic, economic, and housing -related variables to determine the extent and <br />context of the city's housing -related need. Information in this section provides a basis <br />from which to build housing goals, policies, and programs to address those needs. <br />As illustrated in Figure 1 from Appendix A to the Draft Preliminary Report, the needs <br />assessment includes an analysis of the city's population, special needs groups, <br />employment, housing stock, and housing affordability. <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />