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Environmental Review. SB 1383 Regulations were the subject of a program <br />environmental impact report (EIR) prepared pursuant to the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA). Except for provisions which maintain the already established <br />requirements of the WMA's Mandatory Recycling Ordinance (Ordinance 2012-1), the <br />activities to be carried out under this ordinance are entirely within the scope of the SB <br />1383 Regulations and that EIR. The EIR therefore adequately analyzes any potential <br />environmental effects of the ordinance and no additional environmental review is <br />required. No mitigation measures identified in the EIR are applicable to the City's <br />enactment of this ordinance. In addition, the ordinance is categorically exempt from <br />CEQA pursuant to Title 14 California Code of Regulations §15308 as an action/project <br />that will not have a significant impact on the environment and as an action taken by a <br />regulatory agency for the protection of the environment, specifically, for the protection <br />of the climate. <br />Municipal Code Amendments. SB 1383 Regulations and the ORRO require conforming <br />amendments to the Pleasanton Municipal Code as follows: <br />Chapter 9.20 - additions made to edit title of chapter amendment to "Solid <br />Waste", additions and expansion of definitions, titles, and to incorporate SB 1383 <br />requirements to solid waste, include food recovery compliance and revisions to <br />collection contract language to be consistent with the franchise agreement. <br />Chapter 9.20.040 — deletion of section related to private permits for solid waste, <br />recyclables, and organic waste removal. <br />Chapter 9.22 - title of chapter amendment to add the word "Facilities". <br />Section 20.26.020 - additions made due to SB 1383 requirements for compliance <br />with California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) regarding recycling <br />by occupants residential and nonresidential and organic waste commingled with <br />construction and demolition debris. <br />Section 20.26.050 - additions made due to broader scope of applicability than <br />"20.26.020 Section 101.3 Scope amended" of this chapter, which excludes <br />renovations. <br />Section 20.26.070 - additions made to clarify that all other projects that are not <br />regulated by Municipal Code Chapter 9.21 subject to CALGreen requirements <br />shall comply with CALGreen Section 4.408, as applicable. <br />The staff recommends that Council opt -in to the WMA Ordinance 2021-02 and adopt <br />conforming amendments to the PMC to fulfill state requirements under SB 1383. <br />Submitted by: Fiscal Review: Approve by: <br />Becky Hopkins Tina Olson Nelson Fialho <br />Assistant to the City Manager Director of Finance City Manager <br />Page 7of8 <br />