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Source Separated shall include separation of materials by the generator, property <br />owner, property owner's employee, property manager, or property manager's <br />employee into different containers for the purpose of collection such that Source <br />Separated materials are separated from Landfill Container Waste or other Solid <br />Waste for the purposes of collection and processing. <br />(kkk) "Source Separated Compost Container Organic Waste" means Source Separated <br />Organic Waste that can be placed in a Compost Container that is specifically <br />intended for the separate collection of Organic Waste by the generator, excluding <br />Source Separated Recycling Container Organic Waste, carpets, Non- <br />Compostable Paper, and textiles. <br />(III) "Source Separated Recyclable Materials" means Source Separated Non -Organic <br />Recyclables and Source Separated Recycling Container Organic Waste. <br />(mmm)"Source Separated Recycling Container Organic Waste" means Source <br />Separated Organic Wastes that can be placed in a Recycling Container that is <br />limited to the collection of those Organic Wastes and Non -Organic Recyclables, <br />as defined herein or as otherwise defined in Sections 18982(a)(43) and <br />18982(a)(46). Source Separated Recycling Container Organic Waste shall include <br />materials as determined by the Member Agency and includes unsoiled Paper <br />Products and Printing and Writing Paper. <br />(nnn) "Supermarket" means a full -line, self-service retail store with gross annual sales of <br />two million dollars ($2,000,000), or more, and which sells a line of dry grocery, <br />canned goods, or nonfood items and some perishable items, or as otherwise <br />defined in 14 CCR Section 18982(a)(71). <br />(000)"Tier One Commercial Edible Food Generator" means a Commercial Edible Food <br />Generator that is one of the following: <br />(1) Supermarket. <br />(2) Grocery Store with a total facility size equal to or greater than 10,000 square <br />feet. <br />(3) Food Service Provider. <br />(4) Food Distributor. <br />(5) Wholesale Food Vendor. <br />If the definition in 14 CCR Section 18982(a)(73) of Tier One Commercial Edible <br />Food Generator differs from this definition, the definition in 14 CCR Section <br />18982(a)(73) shall apply to this Ordinance. <br />(ppp) "Tier Two Commercial Edible Food Generator' means a Commercial Edible Food <br />Generator that is one of the following: <br />-13- <br />