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On August 5, 2021, the applicant submitted a new request to allow her proposed business, <br /> outlining characteristics of the personal service business operation that included a retail <br /> operation in addition to the personal service use. She also described the circumstances under <br /> which she had leased and occupied the space. Upon review of the application, information, <br /> photographs, and floor plan provided, the Director concluded the use did not meet the <br /> minimum of the first 25-percent of the total depth of the tenant space as required in the PMC <br /> and DSP, nor the bases to grant an exception regarding length of vacancy had been met. The <br /> request was denied by the Director of Community Development on September 2, 2021. The <br /> applicant filed an appeal on September 17, 2021. <br /> City Council Action Modifying Active Ground Floor Use Requirements <br /> In December 2020 the City received an application for a proposed multiple use, comprising a <br /> real estate office with a retail component at 550 Main Street. Following the Zoning <br /> Administrator's denial of the application, the Planning Commission considered and upheld an <br /> appeal of the ZA decision, thereby approving the project, but requested the City Council <br /> discuss whether any provisions of the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay (AGFUO) should be <br /> modified. The City Council directed the item be agendized, and held an initial discussion on <br /> June 1, 2021, providing direction that the policy be modified to require a larger proportion of <br /> the space in a multi-use situation be dedicated to the active use, and to make other clarifying <br /> revisions to the Ordinance and DSP Policy. <br /> On July 28, 2021, the Planning Commission considered a proposed draft Ordinance prepared <br /> by staff, and recommended the City Council adopt an ordinance that would no longer allow for <br /> these types of multiple uses to be considered (i.e. any use subject to the overlay be 100% <br /> active); along with a number of other modifications to impose additional requirements as to <br /> documentation of extended vacancy, and miscellaneous other clarifying changes. On <br /> September 21, 2021 , the City Council introduced the PMC Ordinance and adopted a <br /> Resolution making related policy amendments to the DSP. The second reading of the <br /> Ordinance was scheduled for adoption on October 5, but at the request of a Councilmember <br /> was continued to a future date. Once the second reading is held, and assuming no further <br /> changes are made by the City Council, the revised PMC Ordinance and amended DSP <br /> policies would go into effect 30 days thereafter. Although staff anticipates the Council will hold <br /> a second reading and adopt amendments to the DSP and PMC at a future date, this item must <br /> be reviewed by under the current DSP and PMC requirements until the revised Ordinance and <br /> DSP policies are in effect. <br /> SITE AND AREA DESCRIPTION <br /> The subject site is an approximately 0.25-acre parcel located on the east side of Main Street, <br /> on the corner of Division and Main Streets. The site contains two buildings, one fronting on <br /> Main Street and one in the middle of the subject site with access from Division Street. The <br /> front building is a multi-tenant, one- and two-story structure with the two-story portion adjacent <br /> to Main Street, stepping down to one-story behind. The other building on the subject site is a <br /> one-story, single-tenant building. A private parking lot is located at the rear of the property and <br /> has seven parking spaces. The appellant's tenant space is located on the ground floor of the <br /> front building and the tenant space is approximately 1,065 square feet. Figures 1 and 2 below <br /> show an aerial photograph of the subject site and a street view of the Main Street frontage. <br /> The subject site is bordered on the north, east and west sides (across Main Street) by <br /> commercial and office uses and on the south by a parking lot. <br /> P21-0820, 560 Main Street Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 9 <br />