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Resolution No. 21-1240 <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> 3, The City Council must adopt the ordinance establishing district elections within 90 <br /> days of passing the resolution of intent to convert to districts; and <br /> WHEREAS, Mr. Shenkman, on behalf of his client, has expressed his willingness to agree <br /> to an extension of the CVRA's 90-day safe harbor period, during which he and his client will not <br /> file a CVRA lawsuit against the City if the City adopts the subject Resolution of Intention, thereby <br /> permitting the City Council to adopt an ordinance establishing district-based elections at any time <br /> up to March 19, 2022. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> PLEASANTON DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER THE FOLLOWING: <br /> SECTION 1. The City will consider adoption of an ordinance to transition to a district- <br /> based election system, consisting of four districts for councilmembers and a mayor elected at- <br /> large, as authorized by California Government Code section 34886 for use in the City's General <br /> Municipal Election with an implementation date of November 2022. <br /> SECTION 2. Staff is directed to work with the City's special legal counsel, the <br /> demographer, and other appropriate consultants as needed, to provide a detailed analysis of the <br /> city's current demographics and any other information or data necessary to prepare draft maps <br /> that divide the city into voting districts in a manner consistent with the intent and purpose of the <br /> California Voting Rights Act and all other federal and state laws. <br /> SECTION 3. It is anticipated that the required hearings will take place in January and <br /> February 2022. <br /> SECTION 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and <br /> adoption. <br /> SECTION 5. City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this resolution and enter it into the <br /> book of original resolutions. <br /> PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Pleasanton at <br /> a regular meeting held on September 21, 2021. <br /> I, Jocelyn Kwong, Acting City Clerk of the City of Pleasanton, California, certify that the <br /> foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting held on September 21, <br /> 2021 by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Arkin, Balch, Narum, Testa, Mayor Brown <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> Abstain: None <br /> Jo n Kw g, A g City Clerk hAPP OVED A 4 TO FORM: <br /> Daniel G. Sodergren. C ly Attorney <br />