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13. Use of potable water to irrigate outdoor landscaping during and within 48 hours after <br /> measurable rainfall is prohibited. <br /> B. Stage 2—Up to 20%Voluntary or Mandatory Reduction. There is sufficient uncertainty concerning <br /> water supply,either based upon AWSDA findings or unforeseeable events,to lead to the conclusion that <br /> supply may not adequately meet normal demand in the current or upcoming years. The following <br /> restrictions shall be applicable during a Stage 2 activation of the water shortage contingency plan: <br /> 1. All of the Stage 1 restrictions, in subsection A, shall continue to be in effect during Stage 2, <br /> and shall be mandatory under a mandatory Stage 2 declaration. <br /> 2. Outdoor irrigation of lawn and ornamental landscaping shall be limited to one day per week <br /> October through March, and no more than three non-consecutive days per week April through September. <br /> Irrigation system checks for breaks/leak repairs by present irrigation professionals who remain on-site <br /> directly observing the system are excluded. <br /> 3. Commercial customers should post water conservation messages on bathroom lavatory <br /> mirrors. <br /> 4. The use of water for construction activities shall utilize recycled water,rather than potable <br /> water. Such use shall occur in a manner that does not result in runoff or illicit discharge into the storm <br /> drain system. <br /> C. Stage 3—Up to 30%Mandatory Reduction. There are definable events, including but not limited to <br /> AWSDA findings,that lead to a reasonable conclusion that in the current and/or upcoming water years, <br /> water supplies may not be adequate to meet all customer water demands. Or,pervious water conservation <br /> targets has not been met,therefore further action is necessary. The following mandatory restrictions shall <br /> be applicable during a Stage 3 activation of the water shortage contingency plan: <br /> 1. All of the prohibitions, restrictions, and recommendations set forth during adequate supply <br /> and Stage 1 and voluntary Stage 2, shall all be in effect and shall all be mandatory. <br /> 2. Outdoor irrigation of lawn and ornamental landscaping shall be limited to one day per week <br /> October through March,and no more than two non-consecutive days per week April through September. <br /> Irrigation system checks for breaks/leak repairs by present irrigation professionals who remain on-site <br /> directly observing the system are excluded. <br /> 3. Restaurant kitchens shall be equipped with low-flow rinse nozzles. <br /> D. Stage 4—Up to 40%Mandatory Reduction. There are definable events, including but not limited to <br /> AWSDA findings,that lead to a firm conclusion that in the current water year,water supplies will not be <br /> adequate to meet customers' water demands;and/or pervious water conservation targets has not been met, <br /> therefore further action is necessary to reduce water demand. The following mandatory restrictions shall <br /> be applicable during a Stage 4 activation of the water shortage contingency plan: <br /> 1. All of the prohibitions, restrictions,and recommendations set forth during Stages 1, 2, and 3 <br /> shall all be in effect and shall all be mandatory. <br /> 2. Washing of autos,trucks,trailers,and other types of mobile equipment is permitted only at <br /> commercial car wash facilities that recycle all or part of the water. <br />