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Many respondents (403) indicated "Other" as a response and were allowed to write in an open <br />response (Question 6). Of the 403 "Other" responses, 139 respondents provided input which was <br />aggregated to the degree possible into common themes and ideas. Among the open-ended responses, <br />the most commonly noted response was to indicate that housing should be limited, built in locations <br />other than Pleasanton, or that they did not want any additional housing at all. <br />Some of the themes that were indicated include the following: <br />• Limit new housing, or build housing elsewhere (5 mentions) <br />• East Pleasanton (15 mentions) <br />• Underutilized and vacant commercial areas (including vacant/underutilized or infill sites in <br />general, as well as specific locations such as Hacienda, Stoneridge Mall, existing church <br />properties, Costco site etc.) (25 mentions) <br />• Unincorporated or Undeveloped Rural Areas, or Outer Areas (including specific locations <br />such as Happy Valley, or areas south of Pleasanton, towards Sunol) (13 mentions) <br />■ Land already identified in the General Plan as residential (8 mentions, 6 of which included a <br />similarly phrased response, also referencing Merritt, East Pleasanton, Spotorno, etc.) <br />• Other Responses: <br />o Schools and Water Capacity Concerns (11 mentions) <br />o Not within downtown (5 mentions) <br />o Creative/flexible building types and standards (3 mentions) <br />o Approve more housing, build more affordable units (2 mentions) <br />o Other program ideas — e.g. down payment assistance, ensuring vacant units are <br />occupied, rent control <br />PLEAS.ANTON. <br />