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Draft Redline Changes to Adopted DSP Policies EXHIBIT A <br />Draft changes are shown in strikethrough font (e.g.,-iJcc�F1•raigG) and bold -underline font (e.g., bald underline) <br />Active Ground Floor Use Definition, DSP page 28 <br />"A use that promotes an active pedestrian environment on the ground floor of a <br />commercial building, attracts walk-in customers. Active uses and includes retail <br />establishments, restaurants, bars and brew pubs, art and crafts studios, and other <br />uses determined by the director of community development to be substantially similar <br />to the foregoing, or to have unique characteristics such that the objectives of the <br />overlay district would be met. Active Around -floor uses do not include oersonal <br />services. Uses subiect to the Active Ground Floor Use Overlav shall follow <br />procedures for zoning certificate aooroval outlined in the Pleasanton Municioal <br />Code." <br />LD -P.17, Active Ground Floor Use Requirements for Multi -Tenant Buildings <br />"For buildings that have multiple tenant spaces, apply the requirements of the Active <br />Ground Floor Use Overlay to tenant spaces with frontage on Main Street, and certain <br />streets within portions of the Mixed -Use -Downtown District "designated active <br />streets." Exceptions to this requirement may be granted in accordance with LD -P.19." <br />No changes are proposed to Policy LD -P. 17 <br />LD -P.18, Active Ground Floor Use Requirements for Multi -Use Spaces <br />"Far toncnt apam,o awommadoting multiplo uooa, c „�r,i?.IurI :t �-ra facet % pc,- <br />9414e dopth of tonant opnoo (moaaurad porpondioular to tho fogadc frontng a <br />daa�gnatad aotivo &tract) mue be 000upiod Novith sn Mti•r- u037 All uses in a tenant <br />space accommodating multiple uses shall consist of active uses. ,Exceptions to <br />this requirement may be granted, in accordance with LD -P.19." <br />Provided to City Council on September 7, 2021 Exhibit A to Resolution, Page 1 <br />