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designated for LDR land uses which, when averaged with these sites, would <br />achieve the 1 du/ac citywide average for this land use designation; and <br />3. Parkland, open space, and trails were already in place and available in the area <br />to offset the greater number of units. These facilities included the five -acre <br />neighborhood park at the end of Martin Avenue and the 150 -foot -wide buffer area <br />located between Martin Avenue and the gravel quarry. Furthermore, the analysis <br />concluded that affordable housing, which is recommend by the General Plan, <br />was not feasible with large -lot, single-family developments in this area. <br />Thus, the proposed density, although slightly above the mid -point, is consistent with that <br />conferred at the time of the PUD-LDR zoning adopted by the City, with no additional <br />community benefit required, also consistent with the City Council's approval. Staff also <br />notes a similar approach was taken with the virtually identical approval at 2201 Martin <br />Avenue (PUD -97). <br />A detailed analysis and discussion of the proposed project including discussion of <br />consistency with the General Plan and zoning, site design, building design, landscaping, <br />fencing, noise, etc. are included in the attached Planning Commission agenda report, <br />Attachment 4. <br />As detailed in the Planning Commission staff report, staff and the Commission <br />concluded the proposed siting of the new dwelling and site improvements is consistent <br />with applicable density and development standards. The Commission further found the <br />design of the project to be consistent with the nearby streetscape, it would provide <br />adequate off-street parking, and it would be appropriately scaled, and compatible with <br />the neighborhood. Although concerns were raised by some neighbors with respect to a <br />complete sidewalk on the east side of Dennis Drive, a recommended condition of <br />approval has been added requiring the sidewalk along the project frontage be complete <br />prior to occupancy of the new home. Furthermore, the Commission recommended the <br />City Council prioritize a CIP to complete the sidewalk along the frontage of 3520 Dennis <br />Drive. <br />Growth Management Aqreement <br />The City's Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) regulates the number of residential <br />building permits that can be issued each year to ensure a predictable growth rate while <br />providing housing. The GMO currently allows a total of 235 Growth Management Unit <br />Allocations (GMUAs) to be issued per year. The subject lot has an existing single-family <br />residence and thus one GMUA allocated to it. The proposal is to add one additional <br />single-family residence. As such, the net increase on the lot is two single-family homes, <br />which is within the total allocation available for 2021. Attachment 2 is the draft resolution <br />for approval of the Growth Management Agreement. <br />PUBLIC NOTICE <br />Notice of this application was sent to surrounding property owners and tenants within a <br />1,000 -foot radius of the site and published in the newspaper. The noticing map is included <br />Page 8 of 9 <br />