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heavy. Maximum shrub height should not exceed 8 feet. Shrubs shall be pruned in order <br /> to provide the following vehicle sight distance clearances in all directions at intersections: <br /> Posted Speed Limit Vehicle Sight Distance <br /> 25 mph 150 ft <br /> 30 mph 200 ft <br /> 35 mph 250 ft <br /> 40 mph 300 ft <br /> 45 mph 375 ft <br /> 5-03 Staking <br /> Remove stakes as soon as they are no longer needed. Stakes and ties shall be inspected at <br /> least twice per year to prevent girdling of trunks or branches, and to prevent rubbing that <br /> causes bark wounds and cambium damage. Contractor shall train shrubs off stakes and <br /> adjust stakes and ties as necessary. <br /> 5-04 Weed Control <br /> Keep basins and areas between plants free of weeds and turf. Avoid frequent soil <br /> cultivation that destroys shallow roots. <br /> 5-05 Insect& Disease Control <br /> Maintain a reasonable control with approved materials. Monitor trees for presence of <br /> mistletoe. Remove immediately upon discovery.Consult with County Extension Agents <br /> for recommended methods of control and prevention of re-sprouting. <br /> A. The Contractor shall use a dormant spray fungicide that controls anthracnose and <br /> plant disease and shall also spray to control fire-blight. <br /> B. Scheduled spraying shall be applied twice annually to all trees and shrubs. The <br /> first spraying shall be accomplished while the trees or shrubs are in full <br /> dormancy. The second spraying shall be applied just as the buds start to open. <br /> Contractor's choice of specific spraying times must be approved by the City. <br /> 5-06 Fertilization <br /> Once, late in spring, fertilize recently established plants with a soluble nitrate fertilizer. <br /> Avoid applying fertilizer to the root ball and base of main stem; rather, spread evenly <br /> under plant to drip line. Rates will vary from about a cup of nitrate fertilizer, (depending <br /> on nitrogen percentage)around a newly installed small plant to about one half(1/2) lb. of <br /> actual nitrogen per inch of trunk diameter measured 4 feet from the ground for mature <br /> trees. <br /> SECTION 6. TREE CARE <br /> 6-01 General <br /> Page 14 <br />