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Chapter 9.30 WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (EFFECTIVE 10/22/21) <br /> 9.30.010 Declaration of emergency. <br /> A water shortage emergency shall be declared by resolution of the city council. The city manager <br /> may administratively determine that any water shortage is terminated,and inform the city council of such <br /> determination. (Ord. 2148 § 1,2016; Ord.2118 § 1,2015; Ord. 2104 § 1, 2014; Ord. 2092 § 1,2014) <br /> 9.30.020 Purpose. <br /> The purpose of this chapter is to provide both voluntary and mandatory water conservation stages <br /> to minimize the effect of a shortage of water on the city's customers and, by means of this chapter,to <br /> adopt provisions that will significantly reduce the consumption of water over an extended period of time, <br /> thereby extending the available water required for the city's customers while reducing the hardship to the <br /> greatest extent possible on or to the city and on or to the general public. This chapter is also intended to <br /> implement the Urban Water Management Plan's water shortage contingency planning and stages of <br /> action. (Ord.2148 § 1,2016; Ord.2118 § 1,2015; Ord. 2104 § 1, 2014; Ord.2092 § 1,2014) <br /> 9.30.030 Application of chapter. <br /> The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all customers,as defined herein,regardless of whether <br /> any customer using water shall have a contract for water service with the city.Notwithstanding other <br /> municipal code provisions inconsistent with this chapter,the provisions of this chapter shall supersede <br /> and prevail for the duration of a city council declared water shortage.(Ord. 2148 § 1, 2016; Ord. 2118 § <br /> 1,2015; Ord. 2104 § 1,2014; Ord. 2092 § 1, 2014) <br /> 9.30.040 Definitions. <br /> A. "City"means the city of Pleasanton. <br /> B. "City manager"means the city manager of the city, or designee. <br /> C. "Customer"means a person, firm, partnership,association,corporation and all other <br /> institutions and businesses receiving water from the water distribution system of the city. <br /> D. "Director"means the director of operations and water utilities of the city,or designee. <br /> E. "Low water user"means a single-family residential individually metered customer using no <br /> more than a specified number of water units within one billing period as established by council resolution <br /> when a water shortage emergency is declared. <br /> F. "Illicit discharge"means any discharge into a storm drain system that is not composed <br /> entirely of stormwater. <br /> G. "AWSDA"means Annual Water Supply and Demand Assessment,required to be conducted <br /> annually by urban water suppliers under California Water Code Section 10632. <br /> H. "Urban water management plan"means a plan required by California Water Code <br /> Section 10621(a)for water suppliers to review available water supplies and water demands over a 20 year <br /> planning horizon to confirm adequacy of water supplies.(Ord. 2148 § 1,2016;Ord. 2118 § 1, 2015;Ord. <br /> 2104 § 1,2014;Ord. 2092 § 1, 2014) <br /> 9.30.050 Creation of classes. <br />