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Stage 2 Up to 20% No penalty No penalty No malty Nopenalty <br /> Voluntary <br /> Stage 2 Up to 20% $2.50 additional for all $5 additional for all $7.50 additional for all $10 additional for all <br /> Mandatory units units+$25 units+$50 units+$100 <br /> Stage 3 Up to 303% S4 additional for all $8 additional for all $12 additional for all $16 additional for all <br /> Mandatory units+$50 units+$100 units+$250 units+$500 <br /> Stage 4 Up to 403-5%or $6 additional for all $12 additional for all $18 additional for all $24 additional for all <br /> Mere-Mandatory units+$100 units+$250 units+$500 units+$750 <br /> Stage 5 Up to 50% $ti additional for all $16 additional for all S21.rddiitional for all 132 additional for all <br /> Mandatsn wits -$150 units+$300 c;,�;.. 5550 units+$800 <br /> Stage 6 More than 50% $10 additional for all $20 additional for alt $30 additional for all $40 additional for all <br /> Mandatory units+$200 units $350 units+$600 units - $850 <br /> 1. These excess use penalties may be added to a water bill using the identifier:"drought <br /> surcharge,"or billed separately, at the discretion of the director. <br /> 2. Additional penalties for multiple times exceeding water use amount are for the <br /> number of times within the prior 12 months. <br /> B. The city manager is atitliefizeauthorized to suspend excess use penalties for all customers <br /> when weather conditions, seasonal temperatures, or other factors make water use reduction impracticable. <br /> Such suspension of excess use penalties may be administratively enacted upon the following: <br /> 1. The city manager's consultation with the director <br /> utilities. <br /> 2. The city manager notifying the city council,and providing the city council with the <br /> option to discuss the suspension at a future city council meeting. <br /> 3. Notice provided to customers via water bills, as well as notices on the city's website, <br /> stating the time period of such suspension(e.g.,the starting and ending of dates). <br /> 4. After reaching the ending date of any suspension of excess use penalties,customers <br /> will not be subject to the possibility of any re-imposed excess use penalties until a full billing cycle <br /> beyond the suspension occurs. (Ord. 2148 § 1,2016; Ord.2118 § 1,2015; Ord. 2104 § 1,2014; Ord. <br /> 2092 § 1,2014) <br /> 9.30.110 Prohibition of certain water uses. <br /> During the time this chapter is in effect: <br /> A. It is unlawful for any customer to use water obtained from the water system of the city of <br /> Pleasanton through fraud, including misrepresentation made to obtain a particular allocation. <br /> B. It is unlawful for any customer to waste water. As used herein,the term"waste"means: <br /> 1. Use of potable water between 9:00 a.m.and 6:00 irrigate grass, lawns, <br /> ground-cover, shrubbery, crops, vegetation, and trees,with the exception of hand watering and drip <br /> irrigation; Irrigation system checks for breaks/leak repairs bypresent irrigation professionals who remain <br /> on-site directly observing the system are excluded. <br />