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In response to Councilmember Arkin, Councilmember Balch clarified the motion is to direct staff to work <br /> with the Planning Commission to develop standards for private, managed, owned parklets to address <br /> aesthetics, size, and safety and to evaluate potential private parklets. <br /> Councilmember Testa encouraged exploring expanding parklets on the side streets and looking into <br /> additional options that were not discussed during the Downtown Specific Plan. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Balch/Narum to direct staff to work with the Planning Commission to <br /> develop standards for private, managed, owned parklets to address aesthetics, size, and safety <br /> and to evaluate potential private parklets. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Arkin, Balch, Narum, Testa, Mayor Brown <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> Mayor Brown recessed the meeting at 9:23 p.m. and resumed the meeting at 9:28 p.m. <br /> Mayor Brown reported Item 21 would be heard before Item 20. <br /> 21. Consider adoption of a resolution approving Livermore-Amador Valley Water Management <br /> Agency refunding revenue bonds and related documents and actions <br /> Director of Finance Tina Olsen noted LAWVWMA is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) between Dublin <br /> San Ramon Services District (DSRSD), Pleasanton, and Livermore that provides construction, <br /> operation, and maintenance of a pump stadium and 16-mile pipeline that transports treated wastewater <br /> from an export pump station in Pleasanton to the East Bay Discharge Authority pipeline in San <br /> Leandro. <br /> Director Olsen reported LAVWMA issued $142.4 million in bonds in 2001 to fund the construction of <br /> LAVWMA's export pipeline. She advised the first refunding was in 2011 and this is a great time for the <br /> bonds to be refunded. The Net Present Value savings is $4.083 million and the gross savings is $4.275 <br /> million with Pleasanton's annual savings being $407,000. She explained Pleasanton's share of <br /> LAVWMA debt service funded through DSRDSD regional fee is passed through to Pleasanton's sewer <br /> customers in bi-monthly sewer bills. <br /> Director Olsen advised the City Council is approving a Sewer Service Contract, a Preliminary Official <br /> Statement (POS), a Continuing Disclosure Certificate, and authorize necessary actions and comments <br /> to issue the 2021 bonds. She provided a brief overview of the potential financing schedule. <br /> Councilmember Arkin expressed support for the item. <br /> Councilmember Testa expressed support for the item. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown's inquiries, Director Olsen confirmed this will extend the term of the bonds. <br /> Lora Carpenter, of Fieldman Rolapp & Associates, reported they presented the allocations of debt <br /> service based on the prior fixed cost allocation by debt service. She advised in 2001 the debt service <br /> total bond was allocated between an expansion debt service and a rehabilitation debt service. She <br /> advised those two have specific cost allocations for allocation purposes. She reported expansion is <br /> 69% of the debt and rehabilitation is 30% of the debt. When combined as an all-in cost allocation, <br /> Dublin's total cost allocation is slightly higher. <br /> Mayor Brown opened the public hearing. There being no speakers, the public hearing was closed. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 10 of 14 July 20. 2021 <br />