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children's retail boutique which was vacant for seven months. She requested the Commission <br /> reconsider the regulations to allow creation of a distinctive, vital downtown. <br /> Pleasanton Downtown Association Executive Director Zac Grant provided public comment <br /> suggesting Iron Horse Real Estate and Sculptsations be treated equally. He stated the change <br /> would affect very few businesses and those would appear as active use from the street. He <br /> suggested a separate business license for each business to ensure the front business was <br /> legitimately active use. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> Commissioner Pace mentioned the arbitrariness of the number/percentage and goal to ensure <br /> active use within the locations, while avoiding impacting the current tenants. He suggested <br /> ensuring vibrancy as opposed to settling on a particular percentage. <br /> Commissioner Nibert expressed concern that there was division between downtown members. <br /> He referenced the public comment provided by Ms. Jasso and stated increasing the <br /> percentage to more than half the square footage would squeeze out people/businesses such <br /> as hers. He discussed limited enforcement and suggested a partnership between the City and <br /> businesses. <br /> Chair Brown mentioned his empathy for businesses such as Ms. Jasso's where she increased <br /> her active use from 15-percent to 25-percent. <br /> Commissioner Gaidos reminded the Commission that the policy was for the ground floor of <br /> Main Street in the downtown and stated active use meant 'open for business.' He stated the <br /> intent was to avoid businesses that were advertisements such as real estate and rather have <br /> businesses that were open to the public for five to six hours a day or at least 30 hours per <br /> week. He recommended personal services require a special permit. <br /> Chair Brown mentioned the DSP Task Force and intent behind active ground floor use being <br /> based on continuity and flow along the street for browsing or foot traffic. He also <br /> acknowledged that some personal service uses have a retail component. <br /> Commissioner Allen discussed the proposed percentage and desire to simplify the regulations. <br /> She suggested that the provision for active and non-active uses in a single tenant space be <br /> eliminated and instead require 100 percent active use ground floor retail for tenant spaces <br /> subject to the AGFUO, since any specific percentage would be difficult to administer and <br /> enforce. She stated she would accept 60 percent as the bare minimum but would prefer 100 <br /> percent. She stated she was amenable to the vacancy definition but understood Chair Brown's <br /> concern and stated she would be open to 'the minimum evidence to lease the space would be <br /> documented to include lease sign in building, a public posting about the space and in addition <br /> to see the lease or any other marketing communications.' <br /> Commissioner Morgan conceptually accepted Commissioner Allen's suggestion to eliminate <br /> the 25 percent requirement and thought there might be benefit to expanding the regulation to <br /> allow other types of businesses that attract walk in customers, especially if on-line sales <br /> continue to grow. <br /> Excerpt: Approved Planning Commission Minutes, July 28, 2021 Page 3 of 6 <br />