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Draft Redline Changes to Adopted DSP Policies Attachment 1 to Resolution PC-2021-13 <br /> Draft changes are shown in stnkethrough font(e.g., strike-thre-ugh) and bold-underline font(e.g., bold underline) <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Definition <br /> "A use that promotes an active pedestrian environment on the ground floor of a <br /> commercial building, attracts walk-in customers. Active uses and includes retail <br /> establishments, restaurants, bars and brew pubs, art and crafts studios, and other <br /> uses determined by the director of community development to be substantially similar <br /> to the foregoing, or to have unique characteristics such that the objectives of the <br /> overlay district would be met. Active ground-floor uses do not include personal <br /> services. Uses subject to the Active Ground Floor Use Overlay shall follow <br /> procedures for zoning certificate approval outlined in the Pleasanton Municipal <br /> Code." <br /> LD-P.17, Active Ground Floor Use Requirements for Multi-Tenant Buildings <br /> "For buildings that have multiple tenant spaces, apply the requirements of the Active <br /> Ground Floor Use Overlay to tenant spaces with frontage on Main Street, and certain <br /> streets within portions of the Mixed-Use-Downtown District "designated active <br /> streets." Exceptions to this requirement may be granted in accordance with LD-P.19." <br /> No changes are proposed to Policy LD-P.17 <br /> LD-P.18, Active Ground Floor Use Requirements for Multi-Use Spaces <br /> "For tenant spaces accommodating multiple uses, a minimum of the first 25 60 <br /> percent of the depth of tenant space (measured perpendicular to the façade fronting a <br /> designated active street) and 60 percent of the total square footage of the tenant <br /> space must be occupied with an active use. Both measurements shall be based <br /> on leasable square footage of the tenant space, as evidenced by the lease <br /> agreement or other agreement, which shall be provided to the Director of <br /> Community Development upon request to verify compliance with this <br /> provision. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted, in accordance with LD- <br /> P.19. A use within a multi-use space that is determined to not be an active use <br /> shall be located in the rear of the tenant space." <br /> Provided to Planning Commission on July 28, 2021 Attachment 1 to Resolution to PC-2021-13, Page 1 <br />uired could entail a written narrative that identifies the proposed operation of <br /> the use, including confirmation of a point-of-sale system and proposed business hours. <br /> 3 This change is proposed to address the relatively common occurrence where a tenant will stop paying rent or <br /> discontinue its public-facing business operation, followed by a period during which it needs time to liquidate <br /> merchandise or clear fixtures from a space; during such a period it could be argued that the space is not <br /> technically "vacant." <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 4 of 5 <br /> of the tenant <br /> space be dedicated to the active use. <br /> 2 Staff's recommendation is for 60% of the depth and 60% of the square footage, although a variety of other <br /> options also exist, such as 50% or 75%. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 5 <br /> for a <br /> vacant tenant space at 560 Main Street. Due to the non-active nature of the use, the Zoning Administrator denied <br /> the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the tenant space on June 7, 2021. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />