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AGFUO-Public comments submitted for the June 1, 2021, City Council Meeting <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> DOWNTOWN <br /> ASSOCIATION <br /> proposed mixed-active/non-active-use,and 2)avoiding unreasonably onerous regulation of <br /> existing historic and/or purpose-built non-active-use buildings. <br /> 1) "SUBSTANTIVE ACTIVE USE"BUSINESS PURPOSE <br /> Whether adopted as new legislation or confirmed as guidance from Council to the Planning <br /> Commission and City Staff,we believe there are hallmarks of Substantive Active Use that are <br /> not manifest in the AGFUO approval process today. These include whether the applicant has <br /> committed to keeping regular business hours(rather than by appointment only),providing a <br /> point-of-sale transaction system,fielding floor staff,posting prominent business signage with <br /> hours of operation,and creating a separate legal entity and holding a separate business license <br /> for the active and non-active business operations. <br /> Requiring a fully independent entity and license is critical to engaging the ordinary strictures <br /> against non-economic enterprises under federal and state tax law. Otherwise,the active use <br /> becomes an attractive tax loss opportunity for the non-active use,regardless of possibly <br /> negative economic value to Main Street. <br /> It is worthy of discussion whether 25%of total space is a sufficient set-aside for the active use <br /> to ensure all mixed-use proposals are bona fide. In a very large building,it certainly could be. <br /> In a smaller space perhaps not. A percentage of 50%or more,or a minimum square footage <br /> and facing-depth combination might be attractive. We trust your considered judgment. <br /> 2) PROTECTION FOR HISTORIC/DEDICATED CONSTRUCTION <br /> PDA recognizes that our concerns above can be taken too far. If the requirements of the <br /> AGFUO are too onerous,landlords are encouraged if not forced into availing the six-month <br /> waiting period to bypass active-use and convert to placing a non-active tenant. This could lead <br /> to lengthy pro-cyclical vacancies and serious depressive effects. Lengthy vacancies are as bad <br /> or worse than conversion to non-active uses. <br /> For example,if the prerequisite for a conforming mixed-active/non-active-use requires building <br /> a permanent floor-to-ceiling wall between the two operations,the cost of such upfitting <br /> (construction, HVAC,etc.)may prevent a sensible mixed use that could be conducted <br /> successfully on either side of a solid, 7-foot-tall, partition. Likewise,the damage of retrofitting <br /> an historic building with a wall rather than a partition could have serious unintended <br /> consequences. <br /> 333 Division Street <br /> Pleasanton,CA 94566 <br /> (925)484-2199 <br /> Exhibit C to July 28, 2021, Planning Commission agenda report Page 8 <br />8, 2021, Planning Commission agenda report Page 2 <br />thers having concern about adding time to the process for <br /> business owners. <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report(Attachment 2 to June 1 City Council agenda report) <br />ly to a zoning verification, <br /> 5 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report <br />erty Phase II Specific Plan <br /> and approve a financing plan for the potential relocation of the existing civic center. <br /> 2 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report <br />the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the tenant space on June 7, 2021. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />