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<br />60 <br />The following table is provided to give investors a forecast of the financial results <br />of Pleasanton’s Sewer System over the next five fiscal years. However, it is important to <br />note that the term Member Net Revenues under the Sewer Service Contract only includes <br />revenue received by Pleasanton from the Regional Service Charge and the Regional <br />Capacity Reserve Buy-in Fee, and, upon collection of Regional Capacity Reserve Fees, <br />Pleasanton is only obligated to transfer them to DSRSD. See Table 12 for DSRSD’s <br />estimated projected revenues from Regional Service Charges, Regional Capacity Reserve <br />Buy-in Fees and Regional Capacity Reserve Fees. <br /> <br />Table 16 <br />Pleasanton Sewer System (Local System Only) <br />Summary of Projected Operating Results <br />Fiscal Year Ended June 30 <br /> <br /> 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 <br />Gross Revenues <br />Local Charges for Service (1) $5,350,000 $5,400,000 $5,562,000 $5,729,000 $5,901,000 <br />Local Connection Fees (2) 77,256 159,277 40,000 41,200 42,436 <br />Interest Income (3) 140,000 150,000 94,000 87,000 87,000 <br />Miscellaneous Revenues (4) 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500 <br />Total Gross Revenues 5,604,756 5,746,777 5,733,500 5,894,700 6,067,936 <br /> <br />Maintenance & Operation Costs (5) 4,242,425 4,378,350 4,510,000 4,645,000 4,784,000 <br /> <br />Net Revenues 1,362,331 1,368,427 1,223,500 1,249,700 1,283,936 <br /> <br />Pleasanton Obligations (6) - - - - - <br /> <br />Transfers <br />Annual Repair & Replacement Funding (7) 2,528,953 2,374,277 1,350,000 1,368,000 1,386,000 <br />Local Connection Fees to Expansion Fund 77,256 159,277 40,000 41,200 42,436 <br /> <br />Net Revenues Available after all Obligations and <br />Transfers (8) <br />($1,243,878) ($1,165,127) ($166,500) ($159,500) ($144,500) <br /> <br />(1) Includes only local service charges collected in Pleasanton’s service area. <br />(2) Includes only local connection fees collected in Pleasanton’s service area. Pleasanton sends Regional Capacity <br />Reserve Fees received by Pleasanton to DSRSD. <br />(3) Interest income projections were prepared by the City of Pleasanton staff based upon projected fund balances <br />through fiscal year 2026. <br />(4) Miscellaneous revenues are projected as an average of historical miscellaneous revenues from fiscal years <br />2015-16 through 2020-21. <br />(5) Maintenance & Operation Costs were projected based on fiscal year 2021-22 and 2022-23 budgets and a growth <br />factor of 3% per annum. Rates would ultimately be set to cover actual needs. <br />(6) Pleasanton’s Sewer Fund has no long-term debt. <br />(7) Includes transfers out to the Sewer CIP Fund and Repair and Replacement allocations. <br />(8) Negative balances are funded from reserves. <br />Source: City of Pleasanton. <br /> <br />Outstanding Long-Term Debt Obligations <br /> <br />As of the date of this Official Statement, Pleasanton has no outstanding long-term debt <br />obligations for its wastewater system. <br /> <br />Capital Improvement Program <br /> <br />Pleasanton adopted a capital improvement plan for its Sewer System through fiscal year <br />2024-25 (the “Pleasanton CIP”). The Pleasanton CIP calls for a number of capital projects but <br />Pleasanton has no plans to incur additional indebtedness to finance those projects.