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<br />58 <br />Summary of Historical Operating Results. The following table is a summary of <br />operating results of Pleasanton’s Sewer System for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2017 through <br />2021. The audited results have been derived from the Pleasanton Financial Statements but <br />exclude certain non-cash items and include certain other adjustments, and are qualified in their <br />entirety by reference to such statements, including the notes thereto. <br /> <br />The following table is provided to give investors a picture of the financial results of <br />Pleasanton’s local Sewer System over the past five fiscal years. However, it is important <br />to note that the term Member Net Revenues under the Sewer Service Contract only <br />includes revenue received by Pleasanton from the Regional Service Charge and the <br />Regional Capacity Reserve Buy-In Fee and, upon collection of Regional Capacity Reserve <br />Fees, Pleasanton is only obligated to transfer them to DSRSD. These amounts are <br />identified in Tables 6 and 11. <br /> <br />Table 15 <br />Pleasanton Sewer System (Local System Only) <br />Summary of Historical Operating Results <br />Fiscal Year Ended June 30 <br /> <br /> Audited <br />2017 <br />Audited <br />2018 <br />Audited <br />2019 <br />Audited <br />2020 <br />Estimated20 <br />21 <br />Gross Revenues <br />Local Charges for Service (1) $5,224,476 $4,554,808 4,607,689 $4,723,229 $5,250,000 <br />Local Connection Fees (2) 253,200 110,449 72,385 43,661 158,182 <br />Interest Earnings 201,944 255,821 403,781 535,814 110,000 <br />Miscellaneous Revenues (3) 66,973 110,723 66,213 66,480 37,500 <br />Total Gross Revenues 5,746,593 5,031,801 5,150,068 5,369,184 5,555,682 <br /> <br />Local Maintenance & Operation Costs (4) (2,946,850) (3,327,887) (2,952,973) (3,076,422) (3,410,438) <br /> <br />Net Revenues 2,799,742 1,703,914 2,197,095 2,292,762 2,145,244 <br /> <br />Pleasanton Obligations (5) - - - - - <br /> <br />Transfers <br />Annual Repair & Replacement Funding (1,200,000) (1,200,000) (1,200,000) (500,000) (2,299,000) <br />Local Connection Fees to Expansion Fund (253,200) (110,449) (72,385) (43,661) (158,182) <br /> <br />Net Revenues Available after all Obligations and <br />Transfers <br />1,346,543 $393,465 $924,710 $1,749,101 $(311,938) <br /> <br />(1) Includes only local service charges collected in Pleasanton’s service area. <br />(2) Includes only local connection fees collected in Pleasanton’s service area. Pleasanton sends Regional Capacity Reserve Fees received <br />by Pleasanton to DSRSD. <br />(3) Miscellaneous Revenues are audited estimates adjusted to exclude revenues associated with the disposal of fixed assets in non- <br />operating funds and equity interest in joint ventures. Interfund transfers-in are included in miscellaneous revenues. <br />(4) Excludes depreciation and certain other amounts (expenses related to non-operating funds). See “SECURITY FOR THE 2021 BONDS.” <br />(5) Pleasanton’s Sewer Fund has no outstanding long-term debt obligations. <br />Source: City of Pleasanton <br /> <br />