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_Minutes_May 26, 2021
City of Pleasanton
2020 - PRESENT
_Minutes_May 26, 2021
Entry Properties
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7/7/2021 10:26:22 AM
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7/7/2021 10:26:13 AM
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whether the agreement was irrelevant based on what was negotiated between the applicant <br /> and Simon properties. Mr. Luchini responded that the original agreement was set to expire in <br /> 2028 but the applicant and Simon properties were able to agree to accelerate the end of the <br /> agreement and reduce the amount of parking as opposed to waiting until its original expiration. <br /> Commissioner Nibert referenced discussion from the November 18, 2020, Planning <br /> Commission Workshop around potential phasing of amenities and mitigation regarding floor <br /> area ratio (FAR). Mr. Luchini stated the amenity would include a $1 million donation to the City <br /> for improvements to the fire station; the project would also provide other benefits including <br /> sales tax back to the City, expansion of business capacity and sales tax amount. He stated the <br /> Council would determine if$1 million was acceptable. <br /> Community Development Director Ellen Clark noted the $1 million amenity payment was due <br /> when the campus expanded to exceed the 35-percent threshold, not with Phase 1 because the <br /> project would remain below the 35-percent FAR. Commissioner Nibert referenced the DA and <br /> inquired about the comparison between the vested right and project amendments in relation to <br /> one another. Assistant City Attorney Larissa Seto explained that the vested rights for both the <br /> original proposal, as well as future amendments would be covered in the same manner; the <br /> amendment sections of the DA would grant those amendments to the project. Commissioner <br /> Nibert referenced the traffic analysis and mitigation to construct a traffic signal at the project <br /> driveway and Springdale Avenue. He asked whether the traffic signal would be installed at the <br /> same time the parking garage was constructed. City Traffic Engineer Mike Tassano stated that <br /> the signal was not needed in Phase 1 and questionable as to whether it would be needed in <br /> Phase 2. He stated the signal would be bonded for and installed after Phase 2 if necessary. <br /> Mr. Luchini confirmed that Condition of Approval 114A covered the language regarding <br /> construction of the signal or bonding. Commissioner Nibert expressed concern with traffic <br /> queuing to enter the parking garage and traffic backing up on neighboring streets. He asked <br /> about Exhibits A through D. Ms. Clark stated the Agenda Report exhibits were available online. <br /> [Note: Exhibits A through D of the Development Agreement were not included in the Planning <br /> Commission draft DA]. Commissioner Nibert discussed the applicant's mention at the <br /> workshop regarding maintaining spaciousness of the design and setbacks. Mr. Luchini <br /> confirmed the proposed setback line of 32 feet, as shown on the plans, and included in the <br /> conditions of approval (COAs), as well as COAs to subsequently review Buildings 2 and 3 that <br /> would come back before the Planning Commission. <br /> Commissioner Gaidos commended the thoroughness of both the agenda report and materials <br /> provided and further stated he did not have questions for staff at this time. <br /> ARRIVAL <br /> Commissioner Pace was noted present. <br /> Commissioner Pace also commended the agenda report and materials. He inquired about the <br /> traffic mitigation plan and whether the previous work proposed by Simon properties was part of <br /> the work and traffic analysis. Mr. Tassano responded the traffic model included expansion of <br /> the mall and additional residential. He explained that, since the driveway locations were <br /> unknown on the Simon property, staff did not look to that level of detail for the circulation, but <br /> staff would work with Simon Properties to ensure they were appropriately located in the <br /> design. Commissioner Pace asked if the driveway finalizations would come back before the <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 8 May 26, 2021 <br />
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