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Pleasanton Municipal Code <br /> 18.81.040 Procedure for granting exceptions. <br /> A. The director of community development or his/her designee may grant an exception to <br /> allow a non-active ground floor use within a tenant space or building, based on any of the <br /> following criteria: <br /> 1. The tenant space has been vacant for a period of at least six months. Evidence of attempts <br /> to lease space shall be provided to the director of community development upon request. <br /> 2. The configuration of the tenant space is such that it would have a storefront frontage of <br /> less than 10 feet(as determined by the director of community development)on a designated <br /> active street. <br /> 3. The tenant is located in an existing,purpose-built building containing a bank or financial <br /> institution as its primary tenant/occupant. <br /> B. Notice of the director of community development's decision shall be provided to the <br /> planning commission. Such decision is subject to appeal in accordance with the provisions of <br /> Chapter 18.144. <br />