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Adopted DSP Policies and PMC <br /> Comments and Modifications to AGFUO during DSP Update <br /> As part of the public outreach for the public review draft, several stakeholders desired <br /> clarification on who determines "active use" and expressed concern if granting exceptions <br /> requires additional review, such as by the Planning Commission. Other commenters <br /> indicated that exceptions should come to the Planning Commission or to the Zoning <br /> Administrator in a manner that offers the ability to have public input. <br /> Staff recommended to the Task Force on February 26, 2019 to make the exception <br /> process subject to initial review and decision by the Director of Community Development, <br /> but to require notification of such determination to the Planning Commission. <br /> Additionally, the decision would be subject to appeal to the Planning Commission. The <br /> Task Force agreed with this approach, and City Council at check-in meetings on April 16 <br /> and May 7 did not make any changes to this approach. <br /> At its February 26, 2019, meeting, the Task Force recommended that the criteria for <br /> exception related to another active use existing on the same side of the street and same <br /> block be removed. City Council did not direct any changes to this recommendations <br /> during check-in meetings on April 16 and May 7. <br /> AGFUO and Side Streets <br /> Comments and Modifications during DSP Update <br /> The Task Force at its November 13, 2018, meeting, discussed whether the overlay <br /> should be extended to side streets. <br /> In response to outreach to various committees and commissions during the November- <br /> December timeframe, staff received feedback indicating if all "non-active" uses are <br /> moved to side streets, it may reduce foot traffic on Main Street. People coming to the <br /> "non-active" business (e.g., a bank or hair salon), may decide to shop while they are <br /> downtown but if they are on side streets, they may not go to Main Street. <br /> During the public outreach phase for review of the draft DSP, there was general support <br /> to not apply active ground floor uses to side streets. <br /> Staff recommended to the DSP Task Force to not modify the extent of the active ground <br /> floor overlay to include side streets; the Task Force at its February 26, 2019, meeting, <br /> agreed with this recommendation. <br /> Figure 4-2 of the adopted DSP indicates the AGFUO applies to Main Street and areas <br /> within the Mixed Use — Downtown land use designation. Buildings with multiple tenant <br /> spaces would be required to apply the AGFUO to the spaces fronting Main Street, in <br /> accordance with Policy LD-P.17. <br /> Other Comments <br /> The DSP Task Force at its November 13, 2018 meeting noted the DSP's description of <br /> the applicability of the active ground floor overlay within the Mixed Use-Downtown District <br /> 4 <br />