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April 2021 DRAFT: FY2021/22 - FY 2022/23 City Council Work Plan <br />Staff Priority: A - Completed/milestone 1st year, B - Completed/milestone 2nd year <br />C - Completed/milestone as resources available, D - Not recommended Page# 3 of 24 <br />Goals Project Description City Dpmnt.CIP?CIP Estimate <br />Staff <br />Priority Project Status Detailed Project Status <br />Mayor <br />Brown VA JB KN JT <br />Lester Property Consider a residential subdivision, with other on- and off-site <br />amenities, on the Lester Property consistent with Measure <br />PP restrictions. The project would incorporate the dedication <br />of land to the EBRPD and a new staging area for improved <br />public access to the Pleasanton Ridge. This property is <br />currently located in unincorporated Alameda County. <br />CDD No B <br />Underway Planning Commission Workshop held March 26, 2019, <br />and revisions have been made to the plans to reduce <br />the number of lots from 33 to 31, and relocate the <br />Staging Area closer to Dublin Canyon Road. <br />Environmental Impact Report preparation has been <br />initiated, including release of Notice of Preparation in <br />August 20, 2019 and Scoping Meeting held on <br />September 11, 2019. The Draft EIR is expected to be <br />released in 2021. This project will be incorporated into <br />planning assumptions related to the update of the city's <br />Housing Element. <br />Planning Commission Priority #3 <br />X X X <br />Merritt Property Consider a residential subdivision on a property located on <br />Foothill Road (between Foothill Road and I-680, south of <br />Foothill High School), with age-restricted housing and other <br />on- and off-site amenities. This property is currently within <br />the City's sphere of influence and inside the City's urban <br />growth boundary. However, the property is currently located <br />in unincorporated Alameda County. <br />CDD No B <br />Planned No application has yet been submitted, but applicant <br />has expressed interest in doing so, if staff capacity is <br />available. This project will be incorporated into planning <br />assumptions related to the update of the city's Housing <br />Element. <br />Planning Commission Priority #3 <br />X X X X <br />East Pleasanton Specific Plan Restart the East Pleasanton Specific Plan process, which <br />would be the foundation for future development of the area. <br />CDD No B <br />Pending City Council hearings on planning framework, including <br />key planning considerations, project approach, and <br />scope of work held November 19, 2019 and February <br />18, 2020. Staff issued Request for Proposals for <br />Consultant Services in October 2019. COVID-19 has <br />delayed start of work on the project. Timing to initiate <br />work is to be determined, pending City Council direction <br />on the 2021-2022 Work Plan. This project will be <br />incorporated into planning assumptions related to the <br />update of the city's Housing Element. <br />Planning Commission Priority #3 <br />Housing Commission Priority #2 <br />X X X X <br />Develop a Stoneridge Mall Framework Based on redevelopment interest in the Stoneridge Mall area, <br />develop a planning framework that outlines the community's <br />expectations, allowed uses, and public amenities. <br />CDD No B <br />Pending Simon Properties submitted a proposal for a 486-unit <br />residential project at Stoneridge Mall, on one of the sites <br />identified for high-density housing in the Housing <br />Element, in October 2019. Based on staff comments, <br />Simon tentatively proposed a revised project concept <br />that would integrate the previously-approved <br />commercial expansion on the adjacent Sears site, with <br />the housing project. The Planning Commission reviewed <br />and were supportive of this proposal at a February 2020 <br />Workshop. Discussion of housing / mixed-use <br />development within the balance of Mall property is likely <br />to be folded into the Housing Element process that will <br />start in early 2021. <br />X X X X X <br />General Plan <br />Implement General Plan and pursue long-term advanced planning activities