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April 2021 DRAFT: FY2021/22 - FY 2022/23 City Council Work Plan <br />Staff Priority: A - Completed/milestone 1st year, B - Completed/milestone 2nd year <br />C - Completed/milestone as resources available, D - Not recommended Page# 23 of 24 <br />Goals Project Description City Dpmnt.CIP?CIP Estimate <br />Staff <br />Priority Project Status Detailed Project Status <br />Mayor <br />Brown VA JB KN JT <br />Downtown Specific Plan - Active <br />Ground Floor Use <br />Re-evaluate Downtown Specific Plan policy language <br />allowing non-retail use in ground floor spaces on Main Street <br />when 25 percent of the space is retail.CDD No A <br />NEW <br />X X X <br />Conduct Community Survey Conduct a periodic community survey to assess residents <br />sentiment on issues impacting the community. CMO No A <br />NEW <br />Survey is planned to begin in mid-2021. X X X X <br />Update Affordable Housing Fees In 2019, the City published its Affordable Housing Nexus Fee <br />Study and updated our affordable housing fees. This project <br />would review those fees relative to the current housing <br />market and growing need for facilitating affordable units.CMO/CDD No B <br />NEW <br />X X X <br />Implement Alternative Mental Health <br />Response Pilot Program <br />The mental health response program is intended to reduce <br />uniformed law enforcement response to persons <br />experiencing mental health crisis and/or unhoused residents. CMO/PD No A <br />NEW <br />Council will consider adopting this program in Spring <br />2021, with implementation to begin in FY21/22.X X X X X <br />DARE / SROs Evaluate the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) <br />curriculum used in Pleasanton Unified elementary and middle <br />schools by reviewing multiple youth-centered programs used <br />in other communities, for recommendation to the City-PUSD <br />Liaison Committee for the 2021/22 school year. Evaluate and <br />memorialize the role of the School Resource Officers (SRO) <br />on school campuses by engaging with PUSD and other <br />stakeholders to draft a Memorandum of Understanding <br />between the City and PUSD, which will be shared with the <br />City Council and PUSD Board of Trustees. <br />PD No A <br />NEW <br />X X X <br />Community Benefit Formula Adopt an objective community development formula for <br />projects that exceed general plan FAR midpoint. CDD No B <br />NEW <br />X X <br />Update to City Council Operating <br />Procedures <br />Consider an update to the City Council Rules and Operating <br />Procedures.CAO/CMO No A <br />NEW <br />X X X X X <br />Safe Gun Storage and Gun Locks as a <br />City Ordinance <br />Adopt a City ordinance regulating safe gun storage using <br />other cities’ ordinances as a model, and develop a program <br />to offer free gun locks to city residents.CAO/CMO No <br />NEW <br />X X <br />Reduce Service Years for Youth <br />Commissioners on all Commissions to <br />2 Years <br />Reduce the service term to 2 years for youth representatives <br />on all City commissions.CMO No <br />NEW <br />X <br />Restructure EVC to focus on Industry <br />Sector Representatives <br />Restructure and re-focus the Economic Vitality Committee by <br />reducing the committee to 7-9 industry sector <br />representatives, and eliminating other representatives <br />including City Council and PUSD.CMO No <br />NEW <br />X <br />Suggested Work Plan Items from City Council