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April 2021 DRAFT: FY2021/22 - FY 2022/23 City Council Work Plan <br />Staff Priority: A - Completed/milestone 1st year, B - Completed/milestone 2nd year <br />C - Completed/milestone as resources available, D - Not recommended Page# 21 of 24 <br />Goals Project Description City Dpmnt.CIP?CIP Estimate <br />Staff <br />Priority Project Status Detailed Project Status <br />Mayor <br />Brown VA JB KN JT <br />Remove City Hall Modular Buildings Relocate IT department staff and some members of the <br />Library and Community Services department staff so the two <br />existing modular buildings at the downtown Civic Center site <br />can be demolished and removed. <br />CMO/ <br />ENG/ <br />OSD <br />Yes C <br />Planned Planning staff were to move into the modular while 200 <br />Old Bernal was remodeled. No work has occurred on <br />200 Old Bernal remodel due to COVID. Library staff <br />may occupy the modular while the library re-roof and <br />lighting project is completed. <br />X <br />Develop a City ADA Transition Plan Develop a City ADA Transition Plan, which would provide a <br />framework for the continuous improvement of City programs <br />and facilities for people with disabilities. The proposed <br />solutions outlined in an ADA Transition Plan would serve as a <br />guide as the City improves accessibility for all individuals in <br />public buildings and infrastructure. <br />CMO/OSD No B <br />Underway Staff from City Attorney's office, CDD and OSD have <br />met and drafted an RFP to hire a consultant to develop <br />the City's ADA Transition Plan. However, the project has <br />been delayed due to COVID-19. Project will begin in <br />FY21/22. <br />X X X X <br />Labor Negotiations Initiate IAFF and PCEA/AFSCME Local 955 Negotiations: <br />Representatives from the City of Pleasanton and the City of <br />Livermore will meet with representatives of IAFF in 2021 to <br />negotiate a successor agreement. Representatives from the <br />City of Pleasanton will meet with representatives of <br />PCEA/AFSCME Local 955 at the end of 2021/beginning of <br />2022 to negotiate a successor agreement. <br />HR No A <br />NEW <br />Staff Submitted Priority <br />X X X X <br />Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategic <br />Plan <br />With a focus on racial equity, the DEI strategic plan would <br />identify, analyze and address equity gaps in the services we <br />provide and establish appropriate benchmarks, programs, <br />policies, implementation strategies and systems to lift up all <br />populations in our community.HR/LR No B <br />NEW <br />Staff Submitted Priority <br />X X X X X <br />Organizational Success <br />Operate an effective and cost-efficient government