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April 2021 DRAFT: FY2021/22 - FY 2022/23 City Council Work Plan <br />Staff Priority: A - Completed/milestone 1st year, B - Completed/milestone 2nd year <br />C - Completed/milestone as resources available, D - Not recommended Page# 17 of 24 <br />Goals Project Description City Dpmnt.CIP?CIP Estimate <br />Staff <br />Priority Project Status Detailed Project Status <br />Mayor <br />Brown VA JB KN JT <br />Amend the City's code to trigger <br />mandated trash enclosure <br />improvements/expansions in the city's <br />commercial, office and industrial areas <br />Establish a threshold for when mandated improvements are <br />necessary when property owners expand, intensify and/or <br />improve their properties in the C/O/I districts to ensure refuse <br />and recycling containers can be effectively stored within <br />enclosed areas.CDD/CMO No A <br />Planned Not yet begun. Staff will begin to address in FY 21/22. <br />X X X <br />Expand Pesticide Posting Pilot Project Expand the City Pesticide Posting Program which provided <br />posted information as to when City parks were to be treated <br />with pesticides. <br />OSD/LR No A <br />Nearing <br />Completion <br />Underway - Posting is being expanded to all parks and <br />Park's Integrated Pest Management Program <br />information will be added to the City's website. Projected <br />completion is June 2021. <br />X X X X X <br />Consider smoking restrictions for multi- <br />family ownership residences <br />(townhomes and condominiums) to <br />address health effects of second hand <br />smoke <br />Study an amendment to the City's Municipal Code restricting <br />smoking in owner occupied townhomes and condominiums to <br />address the health effects of second hand smoke. <br />CAO/CDD No A <br />Planned Not yet begun. Staff will begin to address in FY 21/22. <br />X X X <br />Develop program to help fund <br />improvements to locally designated <br />historic homes in City's Historic <br />Resources Inventory <br />Create a local programs (comparable to the Mills Act) to help <br />fund improvements to the 90+ homes in the City's Historic <br />Resources Inventory. <br />CMO No C <br />Planned Not yet begun. Staff will begin to address in FY 21/22. <br />X X <br />Livermore Airport Monitoring In response to the proposal at the Livermore Airport to add a <br />new Fixed Base operator (KaiserAir), there is a need to <br />actively engage with the City of Livermore in the review of <br />this proposal and to advocate for implementation of <br />measures to reduce impacts of airport operations on <br />Pleasanton residents, including but not limited to ongoing <br />monitoring of noise levels generated by aircraft. <br />CMO No A <br />NEW <br />X X X X X <br />Quality of Life (continued) <br />Protect and enhance Pleasanton's quality of life <br />Other