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April 2021 DRAFT: FY2021/22 - FY 2022/23 City Council Work Plan <br />Staff Priority: A - Completed/milestone 1st year, B - Completed/milestone 2nd year <br />C - Completed/milestone as resources available, D - Not recommended Page# 12 of 24 <br />Goals Project Description City Dpmnt.CIP?CIP Estimate <br />Staff <br />Priority Project Status Detailed Project Status <br />Mayor <br />Brown VA JB KN JT <br />Design EOC at Fire Training Facility The existing City Emergency Operations Center, located <br />within the Police Department, is antiquated; ideally the <br />Emergency Operations Center would be located where EOC <br />staff can manage the emergency command operation, while <br />the police can focus on their first responder duties. For this <br />reason it is envisioned that a new EOC be constructed at the <br />Operations Services Center. The EOC would be built to <br />“essential services” building codes and meet modern <br />requirements with respect to technology and communications <br />abilities. In addition, the EOC, while not in use during an <br />active emergency situation, would be able to serve as a <br />classroom for City personnel. <br />ENG Yes Design Only B <br />Planned $400,000 budgeted in FY 2018/19 to design EOC. <br />Project on hold due to limited staff and competing <br />priorities. <br />X X X <br />Design Fire Station #2 Improvements Design and plan for necessary remodel improvements to Fire <br />Station #2, which was built in 1984. Improvements are <br />necessary to accommodate the functions of the current day <br />fire department. <br />ENG/ <br />OSD Yes Design Only B <br />Planned $470,000 budgeted in CIP 2018/19 for design of <br />renovation project. Construction funds are not yet <br />identified. Design of Station #2 improvements will begin <br />as Fire Station #3 replacement project nears <br />completion. <br />X X X X <br />Public Safety <br />Ensure a safe and secure community