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Cancelled Trip Any trip where the rider cancels by 5 p.m. the day prior to the <br /> scheduled trip. <br /> Late Canceled Trip Any trip where the rider cancels after 5 p.m. the day prior to <br /> the trip but before the scheduled pick-up time. <br /> Passenger No-Show Any one of the following: <br /> • Any trip where the driver arrives at the pick-up <br /> destination during the scheduled 20-minute pick-up <br /> window and the rider is not present. <br /> • Any trip where the driver arrives at the pick-up <br /> destination during the scheduled 20-minute pick-up <br /> window and the rider cancels at the door. <br /> Trips will be tagged as a no-show only after driver and dispatcher <br /> have tried to make contact with passenger(i.e. knocking on <br /> rider's door and calling rider on phone). <br /> Contractor will automatically cancel any return trip for <br /> passenger who no-shows unless notified by the rider that the <br /> trip is still needed. <br /> Provider Missed Trip Any one of the following: <br /> • Any trip where CONTRACTOR fails to send an <br /> appropriate vehicle out for a scheduled pick-up and as a <br /> result the trip is not performed. <br /> • Any trip where the driver arrives outside the 20- minute <br /> pick-up window and the rider refuses the trip. <br /> • Additionally, CONTRACTOR and CITY staff will make a <br /> determination as to whether a trip is considered a no-show <br /> or missed trip when the vehicle arrives outside of the pick- <br /> up window and the rider is not present. These trips will be <br /> investigated to determine whether certain missed trip <br /> criteria are met(i.e. the rider was not present because s/he <br /> took an alternate mode of transportation so that s/he would <br /> not be late for an appointment.) <br /> Late Trip Any trip provided to a rider/group where the driver arrives 1- <br /> 20 minutes past the pick-up window. <br /> Very Late Trip Any trip provided to a rider/group where the driver arrives <br /> 21-59 minutes past the pick-up window. <br />