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b) Journals, including, without limitation,any supporting and underlying <br /> documents such as vouchers,checks,tickets, bank statements,etc.; and <br /> d) Any other accounting, books and records for the operation of the Facilities that <br /> CITY, in its sole discretion, deems necessary or appropriate. <br /> 8.02 Audit of Records. All documents, books and accounting and financial records kept by <br /> LIFETIME TENNIS and relating in any manner to the Facilities, shall be open for inspection <br /> by CITY at any reasonable time during the term of this Agreement and for at least three(3) <br /> years after this Agreement is terminated or cancelled. In addition,CITY or its authorized <br /> representatives may, from time to time, conduct an audit of the records or operation of the <br /> Facilities and observe the operation of the business. CITY shall use reasonable efforts to <br /> minimize the interruption to the normal operation of the Facilities during any inspection or <br /> audit performed pursuant to the provisions of this Section. <br /> 8.03 Annual Financial Statements. CITY shall require LIFETIME TENNIS to submit <br /> audited financial statements for the operation of the Facilities, including an independent <br /> certified public accountant's audit report and the audit management letter to CITY within <br /> ninety (90)days after the end of each Operating Year. The cost of the audit shall be the <br /> responsibility of LIFETIME TENNIS. <br /> 8.04 Public Records. All information obtained in connection with CITY's inspections of <br /> LIFETIME TENNIS's records or audits, with respect to the Facilities, may be or become <br /> subject to public inspection and/or reproduction as public records. <br /> 9.0 INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION <br /> 9.01 Insurance Policies. During the term of this Agreement, LIFETIME TENNIS shall <br /> maintain in full force and effect,as a Direct Cost, the following minimum insurance coverages: <br /> 9.01.1 General Liability and Automobile Liability Insurance. LIFETIME TENNIS <br /> shall take out and maintain, through the term of this Agreement, the following policies of <br /> insurance placed with insurers authorized to do business in California,with a current A.M. <br /> Best's rating of no less than A: VII or its equivalent,against injury/death to persons or damage <br /> to property: <br /> a) Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis, at least <br /> as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence form <br /> CG 0001),with combined single limits (CSL) of not less than$1,000,000 per occurrence. <br /> b) Automobile Liability Insurance with coverage at least as broad as <br /> Insurance Services Office form CA 0001, Code 1 (any auto), for vehicles used in the <br /> performance of this Agreement with limits of not less than$1,000,000 per accident combined <br /> single limit(CSL). <br /> 16 <br />