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approval of the final map. As part of the agreement, the applicant shall provide securities <br /> acceptable to the City, guaranteeing construction of the required improvements. <br /> 78. DEED RESTRICTION AND DISCLOSURE: Prior to recordation of the final map, any <br /> deed restrictions required by specific Planning or Engineering approval, or Specific Plan, <br /> shall be recorded on all applicable lots covered by this approval. Wording for all <br /> disclosures, deed restrictions, and clauses shall be submitted to the City Attorney and <br /> Director of Engineering/City Engineer for review and approval prior to City Council <br /> approval of the final map or prior to the Director of Engineering/City Engineer's approval <br /> of the final map for this development and shall be concurrently recorded by separate <br /> instrument. <br /> 79. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: Applicant shall create a maintenance agreement, or <br /> other mechanism agreed upon by applicant and City, which sets forth the maintenance <br /> areas and responsibilities for development. The maintenance agreement (or other <br /> mechanism) may be a separate recorded document for the development, subject to <br /> review and approval by the City Attorney, Engineering Department and Community <br /> Development Department, prior to recordation of the final map. The maintenance <br /> agreement (or other mechanism) shall designate responsibility for the maintenance of all <br /> private utilities and private improvements described in Condition "Maintenance of Private <br /> Improvements"above, on the site. The maintenance agreement (or other mechanism) <br /> shall include an exhibit showing the location of all the improvements subject to the <br /> maintenance agreement (or other mechanism). The City shall be granted the rights and <br /> remedies described in the maintenance agreement (or other mechanism), but not the <br /> obligation to enforce the maintenance responsibilities set forth in the maintenance <br /> agreement (or other mechanism). <br /> 80. ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR MAP RECORDATION: The applicant and their title <br /> company shall enter into an escrow agreement that provides for the terms on filing the <br /> final map concurrently with other related documents for record at the Alameda County <br /> Clerk-Recorder's Office. Within a reasonable amount of time following recordation, the <br /> applicant's title company shall provide a copy of each recorded document to the <br /> Engineering Department determined to be legible by the Director of Engineering/City <br /> Engineer. <br /> 81. PRIVATE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT: The applicant shall dedicate a private storm drain <br /> easement on Lot 2 benefiting Lot 3 to allow a private storm drain pipe to channel storm <br /> water from Lot 3 to Lot 2 prior to connecting to the City storm drain system located in <br /> Sycamore Creek Way. The owners of Lot 3 shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair <br /> and replacement of this storm drain system. The owners of Lot 3 shall restore any <br /> improvement including but not limited to landscape and hardscape located within the <br /> easement area that are damaged as a result of the storm drain system maintenance, repair <br /> or replacement by the owners of Lot 3 or their contractors. The language of the easement is <br /> subject to review and approval by the City Attorney's Office prior to recordation of the <br /> subdivision map and shall be recorded as a deed restriction for Lot 3. (PROJECT SPECIFIC <br /> CONDITION) <br /> Fees and Bonds <br /> 82. ACTING CITY SURVEYOR MAP REVIEW: The applicant shall submit a preliminary <br /> copy of the final map, approved tentative map, preliminary title report(s), adjoining <br /> PUD-135 City Council <br /> Page 14 of 23 <br />