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THF CITY OF <br /> 117 in <br /> pLE ASANTONC <br /> officer, the representative be permitted to contact a supervisory officer immediately for <br /> the purpose of challenging the detention. For purposes of this bill, a duly authorized <br /> representative would be a person who appears to be engaged in gathering, receiving, or <br /> processing information, who produces a business card, press badge, other similar <br /> credential, or who is carrying professional broadcasting or recording equipment. <br /> SB 773 (Skinner) Emergencies: State 911 Advisory Board. <br /> This bill is not moving forward this legislative session. <br /> The Warren-911-Emergency Assistance Act establishes the State 911 Advisory Board <br /> to advise the Office of Emergency Services on specified subjects relating to the state's <br /> 911 emergency telephone response system and to conduct specified hearings on a final <br /> plan on implementation. Under existing law, the board is comprised of 11 members who <br /> are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Governor, including 2 <br /> representatives appointed on the recommendation of the California Police Chiefs <br /> Association, 2 representatives appointed on the recommendation of the California State <br /> Sheriffs' Association, and 2 representatives appointed on the recommendation of the <br /> CaINENA Executive Board. This bill, commencing on June 1, 2021, would revise <br /> membership on the advisory board by (1) reducing one representative appointed on the <br /> recommendation of the California Police Chiefs Association, one representative <br /> appointed on the recommendation of the California State Sheriffs' Association, and one <br /> representative appointed on the recommendation of the CaINENA Executive Board, <br /> except that any member in those categories whose term began before June 1, 2021, <br /> may serve out their term as set forth in existing law at the pleasure of the Governor, and <br /> (2) adding one representative of the California Welfare Directors Association, one <br /> county public guardian, and one county mental health professional, all 3 of whom will <br /> serve at the pleasure of the Governor, as specified. <br /> SB 1220 (Umberg) Peace and custodial officers. <br /> Existing law requires each department or agency in California that employs peace <br /> officers to establish a procedure to investigate complaints by members of the public <br /> against the personnel of these departments or agencies, and to make a written <br /> description of the procedure available to the public. Existing law generally makes the <br /> personnel records of peace officers and custodial officers and records maintained by a <br /> state or local agency pursuant to these requirements, or information obtained from <br /> these records, confidential and exempt from disclosure in a criminal or civil proceeding. <br /> Existing law provides discovery procedures for peace or custodial officer personnel <br /> records, and other records pertaining to peace or custodial officers, as specified. <br /> Existing law defines a Brady list as a system, index, list, or other record containing the <br /> names of peace officers whose personnel files are likely to contain evidence of <br /> dishonesty or bias, as specified. This bill would require each prosecuting agency to <br /> maintain a Brady list. The bill would, on and after January 1, 2022, require any state or <br /> local law enforcement agency maintaining personnel records of peace officers and <br /> custodial officers to annually, to each prosecuting agency within its jurisdiction, and <br /> upon request to any prosecuting agency, provide a list of names and badge numbers of <br /> 8 <br />