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1 <br /> M V ■ 11 �1�1 111 <br /> pLEASANTON. <br /> Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to study, review, and update <br /> regulations and screening materials to identify explicit and implicit bias against race or <br /> ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, disability, or sexual orientation related to <br /> emotional and mental condition evaluations. <br /> AB 1314 (McCarty) Law enforcement use of force settlements and judgements: <br /> reporting. <br /> Existing law requires each law enforcement agency to annually furnish specified <br /> information to the Department of Justice regarding the use of force by a peace officer. <br /> Existing law also establishes the Department of the California Highway Patrol within the <br /> Transportation Agency. This bill would require municipalities, as defined, to annually <br /> post on their internet websites specified information relating to use of force settlements <br /> and judgements, including amounts paid, broken down by individual settlement and <br /> judgment, information on bonds used to finance use of force settlement and judgment <br /> payments, and premiums paid for insurance against use of force settlements or <br /> judgements. The bill would require the Transportation Agency to annually post the same <br /> information on its internet website regarding use of force settlements and judgements <br /> against the Department of the California Highway Patrol. <br /> This bill requires local governments to post on their website specific information about <br /> settlements resulting from use of force incidents with law enforcement. This information <br /> is already available through public records request or court records. <br /> AB 1472 (Stone) Personal rights: false reports to law enforcement. <br /> This bill would create an additional exception to the privilege provisions for any <br /> communication between a person and a law enforcement agency in which the person <br /> knowingly or recklessly makes a false report that another person has committed, or is in <br /> the act of committing, a criminal act or is engaged in an activity requiring law <br /> enforcement intervention. <br /> Assembly Bi111550 (Bonta) Discriminatory emergency calls. <br /> Current law prohibits a governmental authority, or agent of a governmental authority, or <br /> person acting on behalf of a governmental authority, from engaging in a pattern or <br /> practice of conduct by law enforcement officers that deprives any person of rights, <br /> privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United <br /> States or by the Constitution or laws of California. This bill would authorize a person to <br /> bring a civil action against any responsible party, who, motivated by the person's <br /> protected status, knowingly causes a peace officer to arrive at a location to contact the <br /> person with the intent to, among other things, infringe upon the person's rights or cause <br /> the person to feel harassed, humiliated, or embarrassed. <br /> AB 1599 (Cunningham) — Peace officers: investigation of misconduct. <br /> Would require a law enforcement agency or oversight agency to complete its <br /> investigation into an allegation of the use of force resulting in death or great bodily <br /> 5 <br />