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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&FD <br /> During the PA&ED phase,the CONSULTANT will coordinate with Caltrans to investigate <br /> and identify the list of potential permits(however,permit applications would ultimately be <br /> prepared during the separate PS&E contract).The following are possible requirements,but <br /> depend on the project design/construction: <br /> • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) Section 404 permit <br /> • California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Section 1602 Lake and <br /> Streambed Alteration Permit and potentially Incidental Take Permit <br /> • San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board(RWQCB) Section 401 <br /> Water Quality Certification, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System <br /> (NPDES) approval for work greater than one acre, and Waste Discharge <br /> Requirements <br /> Permit applications are not completed at PA&ED and are not proposed in this scope of <br /> services. <br /> Permits and approvals needed for the project will be listed in the ED. <br /> Subtask 6.3 -First Administrative Draft ED <br /> The first draft of the ED will be prepared for CITY and Caltrans review based on the <br /> purpose and need,project description,technical reports and other studies developed during <br /> the course of the project and in compliance with CEQA and NEPA. Caltrans is assumed to <br /> be the lead agency for this project under both CEQA and NEPA. <br /> The ED will follow the most current outline issued by Caltrans on their "Standard <br /> Environmental Reference" (SER) website. Copies of the ED in PDF and Microsoft Word <br /> will be provided. In compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) Section 508 <br /> requirements,the accessibility checkers in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat will be run <br /> and any issues remediated. <br /> In addition, CONSULTANT will prepare and submit to Caltrans the following items <br /> required by NEPA assignment: <br /> • Environmental Document Checklist <br /> • External Certifications—Environmental Document Quality Control Review <br /> Certification <br /> Subtask 6.4- Second Administrative Draft ED <br /> A second administrative ED will be prepared for CITY and Caltrans review. <br /> CONSULTANT assumes that the Caltrans independent NEPA review will occur during <br /> this round, allowing the process to advance to approval of the document for public <br /> circulation once the Draft Project Report is approved and signed. Copies of the ED in PDF <br /> and Microsoft Word will be provided. <br /> Subtask 6.5-Public Circulation Draft ED/Public Meeting <br /> Additional minor/final comments from the CITY and Caltrans will be addressed, and it is <br /> assumed that direction to print and circulate the ED for public review will be issued. In <br /> Apri110,2020 24 <br />