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Attachment 1 <br /> Quick Guide to CDBG Eligible Activities to Support Infectious Disease Response <br /> March 19, 2020 <br /> Grantees should coordinate with local health authorities before undertaking any activity to support state or local pandemic <br /> response. Grantees may use Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)funds for a range of eligible activities that <br /> prevent and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19). <br /> Examples of Eligible Activities to Support Infectious Disease Response <br /> ,., ._ <br /> For more information, refer to applicable sections of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (for <br /> State CDBG Grantees) and CDBG regulations (for Entitlement CDBG grantees). <br /> Buildings and Improvements,Including Public Facilities <br /> Acquisition,construction, Construct a facility for testing,diagnosis, or treatment. <br /> reconstruction,or installation <br /> of public works,facilities,and Rehabilitate a community facility to establish an infectious disease treatment clinic. <br /> site or other improvements. <br /> See section 105(a)(2) (42 Acquire and rehabilitate,or construct,a group living facility that may be used to <br /> U.S.C. 5305(a)(2));24 CFR centralize patients undergoing treatment. <br /> 570.201(c). <br /> Rehabilitation of buildings and Rehabilitate a commercial building or closed school building to establish an infectious <br /> improvements(including disease treatment clinic, e.g.,by replacing the HVAC system. <br /> interim assistance). <br /> See section 105(a)(4) (42 Acquire,and quickly rehabilitate(if necessary)a motel or hotel building to expand <br /> U.S.C. 5305(a)(4));24 CFR capacity of hospitals to accommodate isolation of patients during recovery. <br /> 570.201(j); 570.202(b). <br /> Make interim improvements to private properties to enable an individual patient to <br /> remain quarantined on a temporary basis. <br /> e to dam, s el Usines, in uding Spec' -- ono ' - evelopmen a ce <br /> Provision of assistance to Provide grants or loans to support new businesses or business expansion to create jobs <br /> private, for-profit entities, and manufacture medical supplies necessary to respond to infectious disease. <br /> when appropriate to carry out <br /> an economic development Avoid job loss caused by business closures related to social distancing by providing <br /> project. short-term working capital assistance to small businesses to enable retention of jobs <br /> See section 105(a)(17) (42 held by low-and moderate-income persons. <br /> U.S.C. 5305(a)(17));2 4 CFR <br /> 570.203(b). <br /> Provision of assistance to Provide technical assistance,grants, loans,and other financial assistance to establish, <br /> microenterprises. stabilize,and expand microenterprises that provide medical,food delivery,cleaning, <br /> See section 105(a)(22) (42 and other services to support home health and quarantine. <br /> U.S.C. 5305(a)(22));24 CFR <br /> 570.201(o). <br />