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Substantial Amendment to <br /> FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan <br /> The FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan is substantially amended to allocate CDBG-CV funds to the <br /> following eligible activities that prevent and respond to the spread of COVID-19. <br /> The following new language are added to the Annual Action Plan: <br /> AP-35 Expected Resources <br /> $201,314 in CDBG-CV funds is identified as additional financial resources. <br /> AP-20 Goals <br /> A new Action Plan goal is added. <br /> Goal #14: Support disaster response and recovery activities in the event of a local, state, or <br /> national disaster or emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. <br /> AP-35 Projects <br /> The following COVID-19-related activities are proposed to be funded with the City's CDBG-CV <br /> funds. The proposed activities meet one of the three National Objectives as required by CDBG <br /> regulations: <br /> • Benefit low-and-moderate income persons. <br /> • Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, and <br /> • Meet an urgent need. <br /> CDBG-CV National <br /> Activity Amount Objective CDBG Matrix Code* <br /> Regional Testing Center $25,000 URG URG <br /> Urgent Need <br /> Axis Community Health Center $130,314 LMC** 05M <br /> Health Services <br /> Spectrum Community Services $48,000 LMC 05Z <br /> Other Public Services <br /> Total $201,314 <br /> *Matrix codes are used to indicate—but do not establish—activity eligibility, in accordance with <br /> the CDBG program regulations at 24 CFR 570.201–570.207. <br /> **LMC is Low/Mod Limited Clientele Benefit. <br /> 3 <br />