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groups for mental illness. They advised that their group meets weekly for 90-minutes, is led by <br /> two facilitators who receive a small stipend, attendees have doubled for receiving this free <br /> service, and this is the only program like this in the Tri-Valley. <br /> Ms. Thorne provided an update on the program for which they received funding the prior year <br /> and advised that the current funding request would allow for them to continue providing this <br /> service to Pleasanton residents. <br /> Commissioners were advised that meetings are provided on a scheduled date and time, last <br /> for 90-minutes each time, and are peer-to-peer services with a facilitator. Demographics of <br /> attendees are 20, 30 and 40-year-olds and people with low-incomes and suffering with bipolar, <br /> anxiety and many other issues. <br /> Chairperson Sedlak was informed that funding would be used to advertise the program, <br /> provide stipends for facilitators, provide refreshments to meeting attendees, pay for liability <br /> insurance and rent to the church where meetings are held. <br /> Commissioner Rubino Brumm questioned how people were being referred to NAMI and <br /> Commissioner Hayes asked about other funding sources. <br /> Commissioner Parekh commented on similar services being provided by Bay Area Community <br /> Services. <br /> Chairperson Sedlak closed the meeting for presentations at 7:23 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Powers discussed with Mr. Hernandez the line item funding amount designated <br /> for Administration of the CDBG / HHSG Program. She also indicated she would like to see <br /> more funding allocated for item #3 —Axis Community Health /Triage Call Nurse. <br /> Commissioner Hayes stated she would like more funding allocated for item #2 —Axis <br /> Community Health / Dental Care for Low-Income Residents, noting this was a program built by <br /> the City of Pleasanton and should be supported by the commission to help provide services to <br /> the many people on the waiting list. Commissioner Parikh agreed. <br /> Commissioner Powers commented on the low number of people served by Tri-Valley Haven's <br /> Shiloh Domestic Violence Shelter and suggested the funding recommendation be reduced. <br /> Chairperson Sedlak asked staff to justify the funding recommendation for Partners for Change <br /> Tri-Valley Alleviation Program. Mr. Ingram advised that staff tries to recommend funding if it is <br /> a Tri-Valley organization. <br /> Commissioner Powers commented on the number of resources available to help people find <br /> jobs and was concerned about the funding recommendation for Chabot-LP/TV One Stop <br /> Career Center. Commissioner Parikh agreed and noted that the recommended amount was <br /> 50% of the requested amount. <br /> Human Services Commission <br /> March 4, 2020 <br /> Page 4 <br />