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Ms. Compton confirmed for Commissioner Hayes that the funding request was to assist with <br /> providing uncompensated dental care and helping those people on the waiting list. She also <br /> informed Commissioner Rubino Brumm that approximately two dentists see approximately)5 <br /> to 17 patients each day. <br /> CityServe of the Tri-Valley / Christine Beitsch & Adriana Alegre — Facility Build Out — provided <br /> information about their funding request and advised they were looking for a location from which <br /> their people could work. Ms. Beitsch advised that a free space has been provided to them in <br /> Livermore but it is in need of renovations and they would love to have it opened by mid- <br /> summer so they can provide the needed services. Ms. Alegre noted that approximately one- <br /> third of people they serve come from Pleasanton and CityServe is working with Tri-Valley cities <br /> to coordinate issues, but it is hard for CityServe when they do not have a place to work from. <br /> Ms. Beitsch indicated that CityServe will continue to outreach in Pleasanton when they have <br /> an office in Livermore. <br /> Chairperson Sedlak asked about the total Pleasanton residents served by CityServe and the <br /> total overall. Ms. Beitsch and Ms. Alegre indicated it was difficult to provide this information <br /> because of the different aspects served. <br /> Commissioner Hayes questioned whether the idea of CityServe was to have an office location <br /> in Livermore was to provide privacy. Ms. Beitsch indicated that it was, but they would continue <br /> to work to provide services in Pleasanton and will maintain the space they currently have at <br /> Inklings Coffee. She informed Commissioner Rubino Brumm of the difficulties serving clients <br /> in Pleasanton because of the space they use located at Inklings Coffee. <br /> Hively/ Community Closet—Vanessa Dilks — commented on their funding request and <br /> requests received for basic necessities. Ms. Dilks indicated that Hively has received a number <br /> of donations but have a lot of people going to them requesting donations. She indicated that <br /> the needs are great and Hively hopes to be able to provide people with what is needed. Ms. <br /> Dilks provided commissioners with a number of client stories and noted that Hively has <br /> become a trusted partner in the community. <br /> Commissioner Parikh discussed with Ms. Dilks how Hively advertises their services to the <br /> community. She also reviewed with Ms. Dilks the hours of operation for Hively and the location <br /> of the Community Closet. <br /> Chairperson Sedlak confirmed with Ms. Dilks that if awarded the grant would be used for <br /> salaries and supplies. <br /> Commissioner Gohill was provided information by Ms. Dilks on how the services provided by <br /> Hively was different that those provided by Goodwill. <br /> Commissioner Lem advised that as a member of NCL she has volunteered with Hively on <br /> several occasions. <br /> Human Services Commission <br /> March 4, 2020 <br /> Page 2 <br />