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Site(s) affected: All sites that include a sensitive use such as, but not limited to, a <br /> senior housing facility, child-care or healthcare facility, within 300 to 1,000 feet <br /> of a source of TACs. <br /> (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.B-23 to 4.B-24.) <br /> Noise <br /> Impact 4.0-1 <br /> Development within the Project would increase construction noise levels at <br /> sensitive receptors located near construction sites. <br /> The Revised Final SEIR evaluates the impact of the Project related to a substantial <br /> temporary increase in noise levels at sensitive receptors located near construction sites. <br /> Significance Before Mitigation: Significant <br /> Significance After Mitigation: Less than Significant <br /> Finding: Changes have been incorporated into the Project that would avoid the <br /> significant environmental effect as identified in the Revised Final SEIR. <br /> Mitigation Measures 4.0-la and 4.0-lb, which are incorporated into the Project, <br /> will reduce the significant environmental impact to a less than significant level. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding: The following facts and mitigation measures indicate <br /> that the impact will be reduced to less than significant. <br /> 1. Construction activities would include demolition, site preparation, paving, <br /> and building construction, in addition to construction for improvements <br /> such as roadways, storm drainage, and utilities. Construction would <br /> involve the use of heavy equipment(e.g., front loader, graders, haul <br /> trucks) in addition to small power tools, generators, and hand tools that <br /> would be sources of noise. <br /> 2. Implementation of Mitigation Measures 4.0-la and 4.0-lb set forth in <br /> Table 5-1 of the Final SEIR and listed in the MMRP apply to all potential <br /> sites that would be developed within the Project and will ensure that <br /> Impact 4.0-1 will be reduced to a less than significant level, and are <br /> hereby incorporated by reference and described below. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.C-la: To address nuisance impacts of construction activities <br /> within the EDZ area, all developers of sites within the EDZ area shall ensure that <br /> construction contractors implement the following: <br /> • Signs shall be posted at all construction site entrances to the property upon <br /> commencement of construction, for the purposes of informing all <br />