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Ordinance No. 2203 <br /> Page 30 <br /> The number, location and type of bicycle racks shall be shown on the building <br /> permit plans and shall be subject to review and approval by the City Traffic <br /> Engineer prior to issuance of building permits. <br /> Traffic Control <br /> 122. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN (TCP): A comprehensive traffic control plan shall be <br /> submitted to the City Traffic Engineer for review and approval. Best management <br /> practices to minimize traffic impacts shall be used during construction, including <br /> scheduling of major truck trips and deliveries, to avoid peak travel hours. The <br /> TCP shall have proper lane closure procedures such as flagger stations, <br /> signage, cones, and other warning devices implemented during construction. The <br /> TCP shall also include time of day/hours of lane closures and total number of <br /> days. <br /> 123. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES: The applicant shall pay any traffic impact fees for the <br /> development as determined by the City Traffic Engineer. The fee shall be paid <br /> prior to building permit issuance. <br /> END <br />