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Additionally, the 2018 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan outlines 16 corridors that <br /> make up the Bicycle and Pedestrian network. The subject parcel is within the <br /> Centennial Trail to Iron Horse Trail corridor which runs along Owens Drive from the Iron <br /> Horse Trail (adjacent to the East Dublin Pleasanton BART Station) to Johnson Drive. <br /> The corridor follows Johnson Drive to the north to connect to the Centennial Trail at <br /> Club Sport. Included in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is a list of short-term <br /> and long-term improvements. For the segment of this corridor on Owens Drive between <br /> Hopyard Road and Johnson Drive, the Plan's short-term recommendation is to provide <br /> a separated bikeway or consider widening the sidewalk to provide directional paths if <br /> lane reduction for a separated bikeway is infeasible. The long-term recommendation is <br /> to create a separated bikeway. <br /> Given the constraints along this corridor, staff is recommending a future mixed-use path <br /> along the north side of Owens Drive. The future mixed-use path would provide an off- <br /> street path for both pedestrians and bicyclists to travel along Owens Drive from Hopyard <br /> Road to Johnson Drive. The property immediately to the west of the subject parcel <br /> already contains a 33-foot-wide public easement to facilitate the required improvements; <br /> however, the City does not have an easement over the subject parcel or the parcel <br /> immediately east of the subject parcel at the corner of Hopyard Road and Owens Drive. <br /> Accordingly, staff has included a condition of approval (Attachment 1 , COA No. 120) <br /> requiring the applicant to provide an eight-foot-wide easement along the entirety of the <br /> subject parcels' Owens Drive frontage to facilitate a future 14-foot-wide mixed-use path. <br /> This easement would run from the top of curb on Owens Drive and extend 14 feet north, <br /> combining with the existing six-foot-wide pedestrian sidewalk (currently within the public <br /> right-of-way) with the eight feet on the subject parcel for a total of 14 feet in width. <br /> As stated above, the future mixed-use-path would be considered a long-term <br /> recommendation. This improvement is identified as No. 7 on the list of improvements in <br /> the 2018 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and currently no funding exists for the <br /> improvements. Also as stated above, the City does not have an easement over the <br /> parcel immediately east of the subject parcel at the northwest corner of Hopyard Road <br /> and Owens Drive which could also potentially affect the completion of the improvements <br /> from both a timing and funding standpoint. <br /> No PUD/Straiqht Zone Development Potential <br /> Another topic discussed by the Planning Commission was the subject parcel's <br /> development potential without the proposed PUD. Based on the current C-F zoning and <br /> the maximum floor-area-ratio (FAR) of 40 percent in that District, the applicant could <br /> propose a project approximately 14,288 square feet in size (assuming parking, <br /> setbacks, landscape requirements, etc. could be met). That would represent an <br /> approximate project size increase of 3,300 square feet. Assuming full conformance with <br /> the prescribed development standards of the C-F District, the Municipal Code would <br /> only require a Design Review application which generally precludes the City from any <br /> oversight regarding traffic analysis for permitted uses allowed by the District. Some of <br /> those permitted uses include restaurants without drive-throughs, taxicab stands, glass <br /> replacement and repair shops, general retail and hotels and motels. <br /> Page 9 of 10 <br />