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PC 081419
City of Pleasanton
PC 081419
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10/30/2019 2:10:40 PM
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10/30/2019 2:10:36 PM
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noted that the Commission could set Conditions of Approval to the project as the deciding <br /> body. <br /> Commissioner Pace echoed comments about the inherent danger with this and not being an <br /> issue. He likes the idea with conditioning the consumption of alcohol as a solution to help <br /> manage the risk and mitigated any safety concerns. In reflecting on the code and the fact other <br /> communities and jurisdictions are approving this, the Commission has the ability to approve <br /> the use with appropriate conditions. <br /> Commissioner Brown also commented that this type of use might help draw business to <br /> neighboring restaurants for food, so he did not necessarily agree it was an incompatible use. <br /> Also, while this would be easier to consider if it did not have an object larger than a dart, there <br /> are not many entertainment options in the City so this fills part of that void. <br /> Commissioner Balch confirmed the business runs with the land and if there is a condition for a <br /> two drink, per person, per hour limit during the play and the City finds the business is <br /> over-serving, the item could return. <br /> Mr. Dolan suggested specifying the two-drink, per person, per hour must be set on the <br /> axe-throwing participant. <br /> Commissioner Brown questioned whether the drink limit should be set per session. <br /> The Commissioners discussed this point and agreed that it could be monitored more easily by <br /> setting a per hour limit. <br /> Commissioner Balch moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application <br /> P19-0140 with an additional condition to set a two-drink, per person, per hour limit on <br /> alcohol consumption for participants throwing axes. <br /> Commissioner Ritter seconded the motion. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: <br /> AYES: Commissioners Balch, Brown, O'Connor and Ritter <br /> NOES: Commissioner Allen <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> Resolution PC-2019-18 approving Case P19-0140 was adopted with conditions. <br /> MATTERS INITIATED BY COMMISSION MEMBERS <br /> Chair Allen inquired about the historical home being torn down on Second Street. <br /> Mr. Dolan responded that the home to be torn down was in need of demolition; however, the <br /> owners did not approach the City and go through the proper channels to act accordingly. He <br /> also remarked that staff will review the PMC and add stricter regulations and enforcement to <br /> prevent such situations in the future. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 of 9 August 14, 2019 <br />location is on one of the busiest streets within the <br /> City so he thinks the location for this project could even be proposed in the downtown area. <br /> While this type of recreational use is new to the City, he thinks the operator has demonstrated <br /> competence with their design concept, has pursued certifications and training of their staff, <br /> players are with employees at all times and are being supervised, the single lane separation is <br /> handled with mesh and is a stronger barrier than the application had initially outlined. He <br /> stated that, for all of these reasons, it helps him think the serving of alcohol could be overcome <br /> as a concern; however, he was also open to ideas to tie the resultant activities to the operator. <br /> He noted a rock-climbing wall is inherently more dangerous than bocce, so he thinks the <br /> operator has provided ways to mitigate risk sufficiently. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor echoed that he is supportive of the location for this type of activity <br /> and does not have an issue with parking. He agrees this is a more dangerous activity than <br /> other such uses but does not see the correlation to the current violence in the media. He <br /> expressed the desire to see a limitation set around alcohol consumption during the time of <br /> play, perhaps limiting consumption to two drinks per player for the duration of play. He also <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 9 August 14, 2019 <br />