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_Minutes_September 25, 2019
City of Pleasanton
_Minutes_September 25, 2019
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10/17/2019 2:58:27 PM
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Mr. Tassano said he would not be as concerned with traffic exiting because they are sitting <br /> within the parking lot; he would look more at the impact to the entrance. In the memo, staff was <br /> trying to convey that they're trying to address the delays experienced from Chick-Fil-A, which <br /> can have over 400-feet of stacking with vehicles waiting in a long queue. Staff is trying to work <br /> with Chik-Fil-A to help ensure they mitigate the existing issue, as required by their conditions of <br /> approval. Staff also considered Chik-Fil-A's queuing and the impact to In-and-Out Burger, <br /> which also has a relatively long queue, however, they do not interfere with each other. <br /> Although, staff also doesn't want vehicles backing out and exiting onto Owens Drive or onto <br /> Johnson Court. The largest concern is trying to avoid creating more of an impact to the City's <br /> roadways because vehicles are currently sitting in long queues that are backing up onto the <br /> roadways. Whatever the solution proposed, it will likely need to include a monitor on site to <br /> alleviate the congested queuing. Independent of the project being reviewed tonight, it is the <br /> City's goal to fix the existing congestion in this location. <br /> Chair Allen inquired whether there is a good solution and whether it is a problem that can be <br /> fixed. She said if there is no solution, it impacts all vehicles visiting these and the surrounding <br /> locations. <br /> Commissioner Balch agreed and said the City is challenged because the Commission <br /> understands this project is inherently different than Chick-Fil-A and the queuing issues that <br /> have arisen, however, they're all in the same general vicinity. <br /> Mr. Tassano agreed, and said he believes there are solutions, and thinks they just need to <br /> re-route their traffic. The congestion becomes worse throughout the Chik-Fil-A and In-and-Out <br /> parking lots, but they have to find a solution which prevents the traffic from spilling onto Owens <br /> Drive to the point that City staff might look to closing the Johnson Court. Staff previously <br /> looked at this as an option, but one of the difficulties is that it is a public roadway and if it is <br /> closed, they would have to give that property back to Prudential, who was the property owner <br /> at the time, and trying to give land back now would be relatively difficult. Although Staff <br /> explored doing this, it is not currently a viable option because it's a convenient access which <br /> would be difficult to eliminate, so they are looking at Chick-Fil-A to help mitigate their impacts. <br /> Commissioner Brown expressed his hesitations because after visiting the site at Chick-Fil-A, <br /> he said there needs to be a way to solve the existing problem. The safe way to get to <br /> Chick-Fil-A is past BevMo since it avoids that entire area. Given the size of that property and <br /> how much of the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is covered by the building, he could not see any <br /> obvious solution. He also said it would not be appropriate for the Commission to review the <br /> current project based on this existing issue, but it is a problem. <br /> Commissioner Balch referenced the memo provided by staff, which talks about closing the <br /> area out of the Larkspur Landing driveway and creating a median island that would be <br /> impassable. He understands it is a condition for this project to pay for it and it appears that the <br /> applicant is willing to do so. He asked if that has any negative impact to the Larkspur Landing <br /> Hotel exit and asked if they were amenable to the change being proposed, given that he thinks <br /> it would significantly impact them, as well as Tommy T's located on the other side of the street. <br /> Mr. Luchini responded that the Larkspur Landing representative he communicated with, who <br /> he believed was the hotel's General Manager, was in full support of the proposed project with <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 19 September 25, 2019 <br /> <br /> P19-0151 Planning Commission <br /> Page 8 of 12 <br />City will retain the cash <br /> deposit until all work is substantially complete, all areas are stabilized, and all hazards are <br /> mitigated to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering/City Engineer. <br /> P19-0151 Planning Commission <br /> Page 7 of 12 <br />