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tinder this Agreement and under any Authority Documents, shall be returned to the then -existing <br />Parties in proportion to the contributions made by each. <br />ARTICLE 8 <br />MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />8.1 Dispute Resolution. The Parties and the Authority shall make reasonable efforts <br />to settle all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. Before exercising any <br />remedy provided by Iaw, a Party or the Parties and the Authority shall engage in nonbinding <br />mediation in the manner agreed upon by the Party or Parties and the Authority. The Parties <br />agree that each Party may specifically enforce this section 8.1. Ln the event thax nonbinding <br />mediation is not initiated or does not result in the settlement of a dispute within I20 days after <br />the demand for mediation is made, any Party and the Authority may pursue any remedies <br />provided by ]aw. <br />8.2 Liabili of Directors Officers and Em to ees. The Directors, offiicers, and <br />employees of the Authority shall use ordinary care and reasonable diligence in the exercise of <br />their powers and in the performance of their duties ptu-suant to this Agreement. No current or <br />former Director, officer, or employee will be responsible for any act or omission by another <br />Director, officer, or employee. The Authority shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the <br />individual current and former Directors, officers, and employees for any acts or omissions in the <br />scope of their employment or duties in the manner provided by Government Cade Section 995 et <br />seq. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the defenses available under the law, to <br />the Parties, the Authority, or its Directors, officers, or employees. <br />8.3 Indemnification of Parties. The Authority shall acquire such insurance coverage <br />as the Board deems necessary to protect the interests of the Authority, the Parties and the public. <br />Such insurance coverage shat] name the Patties and their respective Board or Council members, <br />officers, agents and employees as additional insureds. The Authority shall defend, indemnify <br />�ttd hold harmless the Parties and each of their respective Board or Council members, officers, <br />agents and employees, from any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, injuries and Iiabilities of <br />every kind arising directly or indirectly from the conduct, activities, operations, acts, and <br />omissions of the Authority under this Agreement. <br />8.4 Amendment of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended in writing by <br />a two-thirds affirmative vote of the entire Board satisfying the requirements described in Section <br />4.12. Except that, any amendment to the voting provisions in Section 4.12 may only be made by <br />athree-quarters affirmative vote of the entire Board. The Authority shall provide written notice <br />to the Parties at least 30 days in advance of any proposed amendment being considered by the <br />Board. If the proposed amendment is adopted by the Board, the Authority shall provide prompt <br />written notice to alt Parties of the effective date of such amendment along with a copy of the <br />amendmart. <br />December 1, 2016 _ ] g_ <br />