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STAFF REVIEW/ANALYSIS <br />Conditional uses are those uses which, by their nature, require special consideration so that <br />they may be located properly with respect to the objectives of the Municipal Code and with <br />respect to their effects on surrounding properties. In order to achieve these purposes, the <br />Planning Commission is empowered to approve, conditionally approve, or deny applications <br />for CUPs. <br />Land Use <br />The subject parcel has a General Plan land use designation of Retail/Highway/Service <br />Commercial/Business and Professional Offices. The proposed commercial use is consistent <br />with this land use designation. Below are some of the General Plan Goals and Policies the <br />project is consistent with or promotes: <br />• Land Use Goal 2: Achieve and maintain a complete well-rounded community of <br />desirable neighborhoods, a strong employment base, and a variety of community <br />facilities. <br />• Land Use Element Policy 13: Ensure that neighborhood, community, and regional <br />commercial centers provide goods and services needed by residents and businesses of <br />Pleasanton and its market area. <br />The subject site is zoned PUD -C District and follows the uses of the C -S District of the PMC. <br />While axe -throwing lounges are not specifically listed in the PMC, staff believes the use could <br />be classified in the "bowling alleys, pool halls, indoor bocce courts, and other similar uses" <br />category of the PMC, which are conditionally permitted in the C -S District. Accordingly; the <br />applicant has applied for a CUP. If the CUP were granted, the proposed axe throwing lounge <br />would be consistent with the applicable land use regulations. <br />While more common on the East Coast and in Canada, axe throwing is relatively new to the <br />Bay Area becoming increasingly popular over the past few years including being showcased at <br />the yearly Scottish Highland Games. As proposed, the activity would be heavily monitored for <br />safety by the applicant who would have a coach assigned to each lane in operation who would <br />provide step-by-step directions to all participants on how to throw an axe as well as monitor <br />safety regulations. As a new form of indoor recreation, staff including the Police Department, <br />have reviewed the proposed application and find that as proposed would provide a safe <br />recreational opportunity for the community. <br />One of the primary concerns in reviewing a CUP application is the effect of a proposed use on <br />surrounding uses. There are a variety of adjacent land uses, as described above, including <br />residential, commercial, and office. The proposed use would be located within an existing <br />building with all operations occurring indoors, which would help to mitigate potential impacts on <br />adjacent uses such as the residential apartments to the rear (west). The operation of the <br />project, as conditioned, is not expected to generate noise impacts to adjacent uses (see Noise <br />discussion, below). <br />Staff does not anticipate problems with the alcohol service that can sometimes be found with <br />bars. People will attend with the purpose of axe throwing and have the option of having beer or <br />wine, for those 21 years of age and older, versus a bar where the primary purpose of attending <br />is to consume alcohol. Nevertheless, staff is recommending two `standard" conditions of <br />approval that are normally included with CUPs for bars: require food be provided until closing, <br />P19-0140, 1809 Santa Rita Road, Suite A and 8 Planning Commission <br />5of8 <br />