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PC 062619
City of Pleasanton
PC 062619
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8/15/2019 6:08:56 PM
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8/15/2019 6:08:43 PM
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Mr. Beaudin stated then staff will strike the language and be silent on how an applicant can get <br /> something different. <br /> Chair Allen voiced her support of this. Relating to stories if someone wanted to come in with a <br /> residential project of 30 feet and three stories, she asked and confirmed that the City was not <br /> encouraging people to go higher than the stories listed here. <br /> Mr. Beaudin said this is correct. Anywhere else in Pleasanton there is the 35-foot height limit <br /> and they can put in three stories. This will be unique to the downtown and there will be people <br /> who want the extra floor and they will come forward and submit their PUD and the Planning <br /> Commission will see it. They will not encourage this but real estate is expensive and that extra <br /> floor will be valuable to some people and they will go through the process. <br /> Commissioner Brown stated he was okay with Shell service station site as proposed in the <br /> agenda report and Commissioner Ritter agreed. <br /> Chair Allen said in principle she does not like the idea of changing the process and doing a <br /> zoning change in advance of what would be a PUD. For that reason, she will vote "no" on the <br /> Shell service station, thinking that in the end, Shell should be residential. She was not in <br /> support of having an overlay because the concept feels like it could be a precedent. She just <br /> think it sets the wrong standard to do that in advance of having an application and thinks it <br /> side-steps the planning process. <br /> Commissioner Brown said he thinks staff's point there was that by running the plan as an <br /> overlay, it has already been discussed and agreed that residential probably makes sense <br /> there, but it will require rezoning at a later date. But, it does not mean they have to go back. <br /> They can already see as part of the long list of deliverables that they are modifying the <br /> Downtown Design Guidelines and the Downtown Hospitality Guidelines to try and get things <br /> aligned. The purpose here was to avoid having to do that at a later date. <br /> Chair Allen stated she was going to be flexible on this and voiced support of the Shell service <br /> station going residential with an overlay. For Barone's, she did not want any risk of that coming <br /> through without a PUD as it is too risky and the land could be used for other opportunities. <br /> Commissioner Brown suggested having an annotation that any use that includes residential <br /> will require a PUD. <br /> Chair Allen stated, and Ms. Clark confirmed, the annotation would say both commercial and <br /> mixed use would be allowed and that they would both require a PUD. <br /> ACTION: There was unanimous consensus of the Planning Commission to support <br /> residential development on the Shell site with an overlay, to have an annotation that <br /> would say both commercial and mixed use would be allowed, and that development of <br /> either site would require a Planned Unit Development. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked, and Commissioner Ritter and Chair Allen agreed, to address <br /> LD.P-49 requiring upgrading existing buildings and landscaping on the same property as far as <br /> new residential infill projects. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 21 of 27 June 26, 2019 <br /> June 26, 2019 <br />hair Allen said in using something like that as an example she asked if it goes to the ZA who <br /> then review it and decides it could be controversial and bumps it to the Planning Commission. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 16 of 27 June 26, 2019 <br />rap around the corner seems like overkill where this is an issue that can be <br /> resolved by the ZA. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 27 June 26, 2019 <br />ne 26, 2019 <br />
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