<br />US Communities Participating Public Agencies Terms
<br />Partidpating Public Agendas: Supplier agrees to extend the same terms, covenants agreed to under the Master Agreement with lead Pubilc Agency
<br />Harford County Pub11c Schools to other government agendas ("Partltipating PublkAgendes") that, in their disuetlon, desire to access the Master
<br />Agreement In accordance with all terms and canditiorts wntalned herein or attached herein. Each participating Pubilc Agency will be exduslvely
<br />responslbte and deal directly with Suppiter an matters relating to length of agreement, ordering, delivery, inspection, aaEptance, invoidng, and payment
<br />for products and services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the MasterAgreement. Any disputes between a PartldpaUng Pubilc Agency and
<br />Supplier wUl be resolved directly between than In accordance whit and governed by the laws of the State In which the ParUdpating Pubilc Agency exists.
<br />2. Master Agreement available at www.uscommunitfes.ora
<br />Supplies• General Service Terms Section
<br />3• Prices Customer agrees to rent from Company, and Company agrees to provide to Customer, the Merchandise, inventory and services desaihed on
<br />Exhibit A, °Merchandise &Pricing" at the prices settorth in Exhibit A. There will be a minimum charge of thirty -Flue dollars (535.00) per week for each
<br />Customer bcatlon required to purchase Its rental services from Company as set forth in this Agreement.
<br />4• Buyback of Han -Standard Garments Customer has oMercd from Company a garment rental service requiring emhroideted garments that may not be
<br />standard to Company�s normal rental product gne. Those non-standard products wUi be designated as suds under Garment DescdpUon In Exhlblt C. in
<br />the event Customer deletes anon -standard product, altea the design of the non-standard product, faNs to anew tine Agreement, or terrnlnates the
<br />Agreement forany reason athcr than documented quality of service reasons which are not aced, Customer agrees to buy badk a!I rcmalning non-
<br />standardproducts allocated to Cusiomerthat the Company has in service and out of service ai the then current Loss/Damage Replacement Values.
<br />5• Garments' lads of Flame Retardant t1r Add Resbtant Featunn tJniess spedfied otherwise in writing by the Company, the garmrnts supplied underthls
<br />Agreement arc not flame retardant or acid resistant and contain no spedal flame retardant or add resistam features. They are not designed for use In
<br />areas of flarnrnabl[fty risk or where contact with hazardous materlats Is possible. Flamr rosistant and add resistant garments are available from Company
<br />upon request Customrr warrants that neve of the employees far whom garments ate supplied pursuant to this Agreement require flame retardant or
<br />add resistant dothing.
<br />6• logo Mats In the event that Customer decides to delete any mat bearing the Customers logo (toga Mat} from the rental program, changes the design of
<br />th a logo Mats, terminates this agreement for any reason or falls to renew thisAgreement, the Customer will purchase at the time of deletion, design
<br />change or terminatfan, ail remaining logo mats thatthe Company has In servtoe and out of servlee held 1n Imrentory at the then turrerttloss/Damage
<br />Replacement Vahre.
<br />7• Addh+g Employees Additional employees and Merchandise may be added to this Agreement at anytime upon written or oral request by the Customer to
<br />the Company. Any such additional employees or Merchandise shall automaUc311y become a part of and subject to the terms of this Agreement. If such
<br />employees are employed at a Customer bcatlon that Is then partidpating under this Agreemerrc, the Customershall pay Company the one time
<br />preparation fee indicated on Exhibit A. Customer shall not pay Company any one time preparation fee for garments for employees Induded !n the Initial
<br />Installation of a Customer button. There will be a one -Uma charge for name and/or company embfrms when employees are addrd to the program in
<br />garments requiring emblems.
<br />g• Emblem Guarantee Customer has requested that Company supply emblems designed exclusively for Customer featuring Customers logo or other
<br />specific fdentlfltation (heretnafter'CustamerEinblems'}. Company will maintain a suff)dent quantity of Customer Emblems En Inventory to provide far
<br />Customer's needs and maintain a low cost par emblem through quantity purchases.
<br />9• !n the event Customer deddes to discontinue the use of Customer Emblems, changes the design of the Customer Emblems, terminates this Agreement
<br />for any reason arfalls to renew this Agreement, the Customer.wlll purchase at the time a! deletion, design change, termination or expiratlan, all
<br />remaining Customer Emblems that the Company allocated to Customer at the price lndltated on Exhibit A of this Agreement In no event steal! the
<br />number of Customer Emblems allocated to Customer exceed the greater of (a) twelve {i2) months volume foreach unique Customer Emblem ar {b) a
<br />quantity agreed to by Company and Customer acrd noted an Exhlblt A.
<br />10• Terminating Employees SubJect to the provlsfons of this Agreement, the weekly rental charge attributable oo any individual ieaving U►e employ of the
<br />Customer, ar. on a temporary leave of absence of three {3} weeks or more, shat! be terminated upon oral or written rtotlte by the Customer to the
<br />Company bu! Doty after all garments Issued to that individual, orvalue of same at the then current Loss/Damage Repiatement Values, are returned to
<br />Company
<br />11• Reptsoement In the event any Merchandise is lost, stolen or is not returned to Company, or 15 destroyed or damaged by fire, welding damage, add,
<br />paint, ink, chemltais, neglect oratherwlse, the Customer agrees to pay for said Merdrandise at the then current loss/Damage Replacement Values.
<br />12• tndemnlficatlan To the fullest extent permitted try law, Company agrees to defend, indemnify, pay on bthaif df and save harmless the ParUdpating
<br />PubUc Agency, Its erected and appointed offldais, agents, employees and authorised volunteers against any and al! claims, Ilabfllty, demands, sults ar toss,
<br />Incuding reasonable attorneys' fees and all other costs connected therewith, arising out of or connected to the servEces provided by Company underthls
<br />Contract, but only to the extent of Company's negligence,
<br />13• AddRionai Items: Additional customer employees, products and services may be added to this agreement and shall automatically become a part of and
<br />subJect to the terms hereof and all of Its provlslons. It this agreement Is tertnlnated early for convertlence, the parties agree that the damages sustained
<br />by Company will be substantial and difficult to ascertain. Therefore, If this agreement !s terminated try Customer,prior to the appitcabie explratlon date
<br />for any reason other than documented quality of service reasons whic: arc not cured, or terminated by Company for non-payment by Customer at any
<br />time Customer w111 pay to Company, as Ilquldated damages and not as a penaltybased upon the following stheduie:
<br />