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_Minutes_June 12, 2019
City of Pleasanton
_Minutes_June 12, 2019
Entry Properties
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7/17/2019 9:48:40 AM
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7/17/2019 9:48:37 AM
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30 to 35 feet depending on the lot. Lot 1 and 2 are setback further but Lot 3 has the porch <br /> closer, which is still 30 feet from the adjacent property. <br /> Commissioner Pace asked if there will also be trees that are 15-gallon or greater in between <br /> the two properties. <br /> Ms. Hagen confirmed that would be the case. <br /> Mr. Beaudin responded that the trees are 15-gallon potted trees which are somewhat small, so <br /> the Commission may consider asking that larger sized trees be planted to help create privacy <br /> initially versus over time as they mature. <br /> Commissioner Pace inquired about the City's internal traffic plan review process. <br /> Ms. Hagen responded that all departments have received and reviewed the plans, including <br /> Traffic Engineering, which has concluded there would not be any negligible impacts associated <br /> with this project that are not covered with the new improvements along Stanley Boulevard. <br /> Mr. Beaudin added that California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a requirement and as <br /> an infill project, this is consistent with zoning, and an additional traffic study is not required for <br /> a subdivision of this size. <br /> Commissioner Brown inquired about the orientation of the windows and height of the proposed <br /> homes as currently presented in the plans. <br /> Ms. Hagen said the current orientation and heights of the proposed homes are permitted within <br /> the PUD. If any changes were made above 10 feet in height then it must go through staff <br /> review and an administrative design review process, and neighbors would be notified. <br /> Commissioner Ritter inquired whether the zoning has changed over the past five years. <br /> Ms. Hagen responded the current zoning has been in place for more than the past five years, <br /> prior to when the PUD was submitted. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked if the heritage home next door was also zoned PUD-HDR. <br /> Ms. Hagen said both are high density but since they did not have a development plan <br /> approved, they do not have PUD development standards. When the PUD plan expired, it <br /> would fall back to the R-1-20 standards. So currently, if either of the homes wanted to add on, <br /> they would follow the single-family R-1-20 standards which require setbacks of 20 feet in the <br /> front, 5 feet along the sides and 20 feet in the rear and up to two stories. <br /> Discussion Point 1: Are the overall site plan, landscaping, parking, and access/circulation <br /> acceptable? <br /> Commissioner Brown expressed his agreement on all proposed points and feels that changing <br /> the design to three lots from four was a favorable decision given the amount of space. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 7 June 12, 2019 <br />d not the other two homes which are proposed to face the driveway. If they were <br /> to switch the driveway to the other side of the property on the west side, it would put the <br /> homes against the back of the property. <br /> Ms. Hagen said if the plan was flipped, the first floor would have an approximate 10-foot <br /> setback and the second floor would be 15 feet, whereas as currently designed, it is set back on <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 7 June 12, 2019 <br />
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