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PAGE 22 <br /> as age or number of dependents. The benefits derived to property are related to the average <br /> number of people who could potentially live on, work at, or otherwise could occupy a <br /> property,not how the property is currently used by the present owner.Therefore,the number <br /> of people who could, or potentially, live on, work at or otherwise occupy a property is one <br /> indicator of the relative level of benefit received by a property. <br /> In conclusion, the Assessment Engineer determined that the appropriate method of <br /> assessment apportionment should be based on the type of property, the relative size of the <br /> property, property location, its relative population and its proximity to the landscaping and <br /> open space facilities. This method is further described below. <br /> RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES <br /> The Oak Tree Farm development is a residential single family development project <br /> consisting of a total of 42 parcels, 41 single family home parcels, and a City owned parcel <br /> used as a sewer lift station. As such, each residential property receives similar benefit from <br /> the proposed Improvements. <br /> Therefore, the Engineer has determined that the appropriate method of apportionment of <br /> the benefits derived by all parcels is on a dwelling unit or single family residence basis. All <br /> improved properties, or properties proposed for development, are assigned one Single <br /> Family Equivalent unit or 1 SFE factor equal to the number of dwelling units developed or <br /> planned for the property. <br /> OTHER PROPERTIES <br /> Article XIIID stipulates that publicly owned properties must be assessed unless there is clear <br /> and convincing evidence that those properties receive no special benefit from the <br /> Assessment. All properties that are specially benefited are assessed. Other publicly owned <br /> property that is used for purposes similar to private residential, commercial, industrial or <br /> institutional uses is benefited and assessed at the same rate as such privately owned <br /> property. <br /> Miscellaneous, small and other parcels such as roads, right-of-way parcels, and common <br /> areas typically do not generate significant numbers of employees, residents, customers or <br /> guests, who would have access to or use the Improvements. These miscellaneous parcels <br /> therefore receive no benefit from the Improvements and are assessed an SFE benefit factor <br /> of 0 SFEs. <br /> THE ASSESSMENT RATE DOES NOT INCREASE ANNUALLY <br /> It should also be noted that the Maintenance District assessment rates cannot be increased <br /> annually, and the total revenues remain the same year after year, assessing $473.66 per <br /> SFE or parcel,which is the maximum authorized assessment. In order to increase the annual <br /> assessment rate or to add an annual Consumer Price Index escalator to the assessment <br /> rate, approval of the property owners is required via a Proposition 218 assessment ballot <br /> proceeding. <br /> dry of MIASMIC)* <br /> LIGHTING&LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO.1994-1,OAK TREE FARM SC IConsultingGroup <br /> ENGINEER'S REPORT,FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 <br />