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PAGE 12 <br /> NOTES TO ESTIMATE OF COSTS <br /> 1. Incidental and administration costs estimates include City staff hours dedicated <br /> to the administration of the assessment(including staff time to bid work, monitor <br /> contracts and contractors, respond to residents' inquiries, etc.), county charges <br /> for inclusion of assessments on property tax bills, and other incidental costs. <br /> 2. At the time of this report a fund balance of approximately $45,000 remains for <br /> Lighting and Landscape Maintenance District 1994-1. The projected 2019-20 <br /> expenses, if current maintenance levels and water use were maintained, are <br /> higher than the projected annual revenues. Therefore, the City will need to <br /> reduce maintenance and greatly reduce water use to begin to return the <br /> account to a balanced budget. Reserve/replacement funds are held in an <br /> interest bearing account until needed for repairs to the irrigation system, <br /> landscaping or other District features. <br /> 3. The rate shown here is for a single family home or its equivalent. For the <br /> definition of the term Single Family Equivalent(SFE) and rates for other types <br /> of property, see the section titled, "Method of Assessment" and the sections <br /> following it in this report. <br /> 4. The Act requires that proceeds from the assessments must be deposited into a <br /> special fund that has been set up for the revenues and expenditures of the <br /> Maintenance District. Moreover, funds raised by the assessment shall be used <br /> only for the purposes stated within this Report. Any balance remaining at the <br /> end of the Fiscal Year, June 30, must be carried over to the next Fiscal Year. <br /> The District may also establish a reserve fund for contingencies and special <br /> projects as well as a capital improvement fund for accumulating funds for larger <br /> capital improvement projects or capital renovation needs. Any remaining <br /> balance would either be placed in the reserve fund, the capital improvement <br /> fund, or would be used to reduce future years' assessments. The Lighting and <br /> Landscape Maintenance District 1994-1 reserve/replacement funds are held in <br /> an interest bearing account until needed for repairs to the irrigation system, <br /> landscaping or other District features. <br /> Carr OF PL EASANTON <br /> LIGHTING&LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO.1994-1,OAK TREE FARM SC IConsultingGroup <br /> ENGINEER'S REPORT,FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 <br />