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PC 041019
City of Pleasanton
PC 041019
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6/19/2019 2:28:07 PM
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6/19/2019 2:28:01 PM
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Ms. Clark said enhancements are for the rear of the building for wainscoting to be provided on <br /> all sides and the back of building, that additional trellises be provided similar to those on the <br /> back side to enhance the plain elevation. The rear elevation or western side of the 7-Eleven is <br /> just paint. <br /> Commissioners suggested the veneer be put on all sides, except the west side, and discussed <br /> the circulation and what could be seen of the 7-Eleven and the carwash. <br /> Ms. Clark said generally staff would recommend having three-sided architecture to be <br /> consistent throughout. <br /> Commissioner Balch said he was supportive of the stone veneer going all the way around and <br /> thinks the west side could be lighter in requirement than a standard four-sided architecture for <br /> the main building. For the carwash, he did not believe any enhancements to the west side are <br /> required. <br /> Chair Allen agreed. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor said he would like the east side of the carwash to have stone veneer. <br /> Commissioner Brown said he did not want every 7-Eleven to look the same in the City. <br /> Chair Allen summarized that the Commission was agreeable with this but was also open to <br /> staff pushing added elements that could further enhance the look. <br /> Commissioner Brown noted the Commission pretty much conducted a full review and he <br /> suggested the applicant as being able to fast track the project. He thanked the applicant for <br /> their presentation and believes the property will be much better than it currently exists; it will <br /> also significantly improve the situation for the church. <br /> Brad Hirst asked if he could clarify some of the points. He referred to improving the Hopyard <br /> Road or west side of the carwash and said he had originally made a suggestion to do a colorful <br /> mural on Pleasanton's history, but staff did not like this, and they dropped it. They can go back <br /> to that attraction or they can do some trellis work or Spandrel that looks like glass. He said in <br /> the scheme of things, it is not a large expense, but they can add a lot of color or make it look <br /> like the exteriors of the 7-Eleven building. <br /> Chair Allen said she did not want a mural. She did not like the carwash sign of red and white <br /> because it stood out. She asked to see quality, stone veneer, possibly glass, but something <br /> aside from a mural or making it look cheap. <br /> Commissioner Balch said he would not support the glass and said stone veneer would be <br /> acceptable along with a trellis with attractive landscaping that is established starting with a <br /> five-gallon pot versus a one-gallon pot. <br /> Mr. Hirst asked about the EV charging station. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 13 of 15 April 10, 2019 <br /> not opposed to having it look different than the Santa Rita Road location, <br /> so he suggested seeing the applicant's proposal. <br /> Chair Allen also noted that staff has made recommendations of enhancements they would like <br /> to see, and she confirmed the Commission was in support of those. She asked staff to recap <br /> the elements for recommendation. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 12 of 15 April 10, 2019 <br />ing space in the corner. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 11 of 15 April 10, 2019 <br /> to southbound Hopyard Road is <br /> backing up as people are trying to get in and off the road and into this site. Therefore, <br /> narrowing the driveway will create an hourglass for those entering and exiting the <br /> driveway/site. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 10 of 15 April 10, 2019 <br /> setback and landscaping coming all the way to the street, but were not agreeable to a fence. <br /> He said people who worship in the church do park and walk through the area and they will <br /> continue to do this unless they cannot any longer. Police, post office, Amazon and FedEx <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 15 April 10, 2019 <br />
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